Open jlopezpena opened 1 year ago
Maybe you could add a non-root user to the Dockerfile as a way round this?
# Create a new user "zenmluser" and set a working directory
RUN useradd -m zenmluser
WORKDIR /home/zenmluser
# Copy the application to the container and adjust permissions
COPY . /home/zenmluser
RUN chown -R zenmluser:zenmluser /home/zenmluser
# Switch to the new user
USER zenmluser
@jlopezpena Did this end up working for you? If yes we can close it !
Contact Details [Optional]
No response
System Information
ZENML_LOCAL_VERSION: 0.43.0 ZENML_SERVER_VERSION: 0.43.0 ZENML_SERVER_DATABASE: sqlite ZENML_SERVER_DEPLOYMENT_TYPE: other ZENML_CONFIG_DIR: /root/.config/zenml ZENML_LOCAL_STORE_DIR: /root/.config/zenml/local_stores ZENML_SERVER_URL: sqlite:////root/.config/zenml/local_stores/default_zen_store/zenml.db ZENML_ACTIVE_REPOSITORY_ROOT: None PYTHON_VERSION: 3.11.4 ENVIRONMENT: native SYSTEM_INFO: {'os': 'linux', 'linux_distro': 'ubuntu', 'linux_distro_like': 'debian', 'linux_distro_version': '23.04'} ACTIVE_WORKSPACE: default ACTIVE_STACK: default ACTIVE_USER: default TELEMETRY_STATUS: disabled ANALYTICS_CLIENT_ID: 38971716-74f6-47aa-9525-332d6258675b ANALYTICS_USER_ID: e18d86b1-d795-476a-8c9a-7cd265254991 ANALYTICS_SERVER_ID: 38971716-74f6-47aa-9525-332d6258675b INTEGRATIONS: ['kaniko'] PACKAGES: {'babel': '2.12.1', 'gitpython': '3.1.32', 'jinja2': '3.1.2', 'mako': '1.2.4', 'markupsafe': '2.1.3', 'pymysql': '1.0.3', 'pyyaml': '6.0.1', 'pygments': '2.16.1', 'sqlalchemy': '1.4.41', 'sqlalchemy-utils': '0.38.3', 'send2trash': '1.8.2', 'alabaster': '0.7.13', 'alembic': '1.8.1', 'analytics-python': '1.4.post1', 'anyio': '3.7.1', 'argon2-cffi': '23.1.0', 'argon2-cffi-bindings': '21.2.0', 'arrow': '1.2.3', 'asttokens': '2.2.1', 'async-lru': '2.0.4', 'attrs': '23.1.0', 'azure-common': '1.1.28', 'azure-core': '1.29.2', 'azure-mgmt-core': '1.4.0', 'azure-mgmt-resource': '23.0.1', 'backcall': '0.2.0', 'backoff': '1.10.0', 'bcrypt': '4.0.1', 'beautifulsoup4': '4.12.2', 'black': '23.7.0', 'bleach': '6.0.0', 'boto3': '1.28.26', 'botocore': '1.31.26', 'certifi': '2023.7.22', 'cffi': '1.15.1', 'charset-normalizer': '3.2.0', 'click': '8.1.3', 'click-params': '0.3.0', 'cloudpickle': '2.2.1', 'colorama': '0.4.6', 'comm': '0.1.4', 'commonmark': '0.9.1', 'coverage': '7.3.0', 'debugpy': '1.6.7.post1', 'decorator': '5.1.1', 'defusedxml': '0.7.1', 'distro': '1.8.0', 'docker': '6.1.3', 'docutils': '0.20.1', 'executing': '1.2.0', 'fastjsonschema': '2.18.0', 'fqdn': '1.5.1', 'furo': '2023.7.26', 'gitdb': '4.0.10', 'greenlet': '2.0.2', 'httplib2': '0.19.1', 'idna': '3.4', 'imagesize': '1.4.1', 'iniconfig': '2.0.0', 'ipykernel': '6.25.1', 'ipython': '8.14.0', 'ipython-genutils': '0.2.0', 'ipywidgets': '7.8.0', 'isodate': '0.6.1', 'isoduration': '20.11.0', 'jedi': '0.19.0', 'jmespath': '1.0.1', 'json5': '0.9.14', 'jsonpointer': '2.4', 'jsonschema': '4.19.0', 'jsonschema-specifications': '2023.7.1', 'jupyter-client': '8.3.0', 'jupyter-core': '5.3.1', 'jupyter-events': '0.7.0', 'jupyter-lsp': '2.2.0', 'jupyter-server': '2.7.1', 'jupyter-server-terminals': '0.4.4', 'jupyterlab': '4.0.5', 'jupyterlab-pygments': '0.2.2', 'jupyterlab-server': '2.24.0', 'jupyterlab-widgets': '1.1.5', 'livereload': '2.6.3', 'matplotlib-inline': '0.1.6', 'mistune': '3.0.1', 'monotonic': '1.6', 'mypy': '1.5.0', 'mypy-extensions': '1.0.0', 'nbclient': '0.8.0', 'nbconvert': '7.7.3', 'nbformat': '5.9.2', 'nest-asyncio': '1.5.7', 'notebook': '7.0.2', 'notebook-shim': '0.2.3', 'numpy': '1.25.2', 'overrides': '7.4.0', 'packaging': '22.0', 'pandas': '2.0.3', 'pandocfilters': '1.5.0', 'parso': '0.8.3', 'passlib': '1.7.4', 'pathspec': '0.11.2', 'pexpect': '4.8.0', 'pickleshare': '0.7.5', 'pip': '23.2.1', 'platformdirs': '3.10.0', 'pluggy': '1.2.0', 'prometheus-client': '0.17.1', 'prompt-toolkit': '3.0.39', 'psutil': '5.9.5', 'ptyprocess': '0.7.0', 'pure-eval': '0.2.2', 'pycparser': '2.21', 'pydantic': '1.10.12', 'pyparsing': '2.4.7', 'pytest': '7.4.0', 'python-dateutil': '2.8.2', 'python-json-logger': '2.0.7', 'python-terraform': '0.10.1', 'pytz': '2023.3', 'pyzmq': '25.1.1', 'referencing': '0.30.2', 'requests': '2.31.0', 'rfc3339-validator': '0.1.4', 'rfc3986-validator': '0.1.1', 'rich': '12.6.0', 'rpds-py': '0.9.2', 'ruff': '0.0.284', 's3transfer': '0.6.1', 'setuptools': '68.0.0', 'six': '1.16.0', 'smmap': '5.0.0', 'sniffio': '1.3.0', 'snowballstemmer': '2.2.0', 'soupsieve': '2.4.1', 'sphinx': '7.1.2', 'sphinx-autobuild': '2021.3.14', 'sphinx-basic-ng': '1.0.0b2', 'sphinxcontrib-applehelp': '1.0.7', 'sphinxcontrib-devhelp': '1.0.5', 'sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp': '2.0.4', 'sphinxcontrib-jsmath': '1.0.1', 'sphinxcontrib-qthelp': '1.0.6', 'sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml': '1.1.8', 'sqlalchemy2-stubs': '0.0.2a35', 'sqlmodel': '0.0.8', 'stack-data': '0.6.2', 'terminado': '0.17.1', 'tinycss2': '1.2.1', 'tornado': '6.3.3', 'traitlets': '5.9.0', 'typing-extensions': '4.7.1', 'tzdata': '2023.3', 'uri-template': '1.3.0', 'urllib3': '1.26.16', 'validators': '0.18.2', 'wcwidth': '0.2.6', 'webcolors': '1.13', 'webencodings': '0.5.1', 'websocket-client': '1.6.1', 'wf-aws': '1.12.2', 'wf-blackbox-zero': '1.1.0', 'wf-cli': '1.25.0', 'wf-cli-plugin-aws': '1.5.6', 'wf-cli-plugin-docs': '1.2.6', 'wf-cli-plugin-login': '1.0.5', 'wf-cli-plugin-py': '2.3.4', 'wf-zenml-pipelines': '0.0.0', 'widgetsnbextension': '3.6.5', 'zenml': '0.43.0'}
Name: default ID: c5036656-d46b-4988-8b85-5cc6221eb0eb Shared: No User: default / e18d86b1-d795-476a-8c9a-7cd265254991 Workspace: default / 6d5238df-adb2-4d00-8804-856fbecfcfbf
Name: default ID: cf9ab169-8724-4602-b56f-9bbbb830d0ca Type: orchestrator Flavor: local Configuration: {} Shared: No User: default / e18d86b1-d795-476a-8c9a-7cd265254991 Workspace: default / 6d5238df-adb2-4d00-8804-856fbecfcfbf
Name: default ID: 22fab2ea-f53a-4d49-95c6-7800c532b994 Type: artifact_store Flavor: local Configuration: {'path': ''} Shared: No User: default / e18d86b1-d795-476a-8c9a-7cd265254991 Workspace: default / 6d5238df-adb2-4d00-8804-856fbecfcfbf
What happened?
Trying to run the zenml tutorial on a dev container (docker), when it gets to the point of running the jupyter notebook server the process fails because commands in the docker container are run as root.
This can be solved in a variety of ways:
flag when instantiating the jupyter notebook server (for instance, if some env variable is present)However, the
zenml go
path does not suggest any ways of fixing this, instead crashes with the very cryptic error messageand a really long non-informative stack trace
Reproduction steps
zenml go
ad go through the stepsThis error will come up:
Relevant log output
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