zenodraft / metadata-schema-zenodo

JSONschema for uploading metadata to Zenodo
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Problematic `related_identifiers` after Zenodo migration #4

Open jspaaks opened 7 months ago

jspaaks commented 7 months ago

Some related_identifiers from the "All the properties!" example metadata stopped working after Zenodo updates of 2023 Q4. Not sure if they are deprecated / pending / oversight at this point. Could also be that individual key values are ok, but that how they are combined is at fault. Needs looking into. Here are the problematic ones

    "related_identifiers": [
            "identifier": "PRJNA224116",
            "relation": "describes",
            "resource_type": "image-figure",
            "scheme": "bioproject"
            "identifier": "SAMN08289383",
            "relation": "documents",
            "resource_type": "image-other",
            "scheme": "biosample"
            "identifier": "73513537",
            "relation": "isCitedBy",
            "resource_type": "lesson",
            "scheme": "ean8"
            "identifier": "ENSMUST00000017290",
            "relation": "isCompiledBy",
            "resource_type": "other",
            "scheme": "ensembl"
            "identifier": "GCF_000001405.38",
            "relation": "isContinuedBy",
            "resource_type": "physicalobject",
            "scheme": "genome"
            "identifier": "4079154-3",
            "relation": "isDerivedFrom",
            "resource_type": "poster",
            "scheme": "gnd"
            "identifier": "mem_13102590",
            "relation": "isDescribedBy",
            "resource_type": "presentation",
            "scheme": "hal"
            "identifier": "PMC2631623",
            "relation": "isReferencedBy",
            "resource_type": "publication-other",
            "scheme": "pmcid"
            "identifier": "NZ_JXSL01000036.1",
            "relation": "isSourceOf",
            "resource_type": "publication-proposal",
            "scheme": "refseq"
            "identifier": "SRR6437777",
            "relation": "isSupplementedBy",
            "resource_type": "publication-report",
            "scheme": "sra"
            "identifier": "Q9GYV0",
            "relation": "isSupplementTo",
            "resource_type": "publication-section",
            "scheme": "uniprot"
            "identifier": "swh:1:cnt:94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2",
            "relation": "requires",
            "resource_type": "publication-technicalnote",
            "scheme": "swh"
            "identifier": "ascl:1908.011",
            "relation": "reviews",
            "resource_type": "publication-thesis",
            "scheme": "ascl"
            "identifier": "ascl:1908.011",
            "relation": "reviews",
            "resource_type": "publication-workingpaper",
            "scheme": "ascl"
            "identifier": "ascl:1908.011",
            "relation": "reviews",
            "resource_type": "software",
            "scheme": "ascl"
            "identifier": "ascl:1908.011",
            "relation": "reviews",
            "resource_type": "video",
            "scheme": "ascl"
jspaaks commented 7 months ago

Additionally, Zenodo's manual upload frontend suggests you should be able to use the following types as well

  1. bibcode
  2. crossref funder id
  3. EISSN
  4. GRID
  5. IGSN
  6. LISSN
  7. W3ID
  8. Other