zenogantner / MyMediaLite

recommender system library for the CLR (.NET)
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Fix bug in CoClustering algorithm #470

Closed NicolasHug closed 7 years ago

NicolasHug commented 7 years ago

Hi Zeno,

I know this algorithm is labeled as obsolete but I was trying to implement it myself and I think there's a slight mistake in the ComputeClusterAveragesmethod because the cluster averages are not reset to zero before updating. In the end this hardly changes anything, it's like computing a mean over n + 1 elements instead of n elements and as n is high there's almost no difference.


zenogantner commented 7 years ago

Thank you for reporting this -- as far as I can tell the fix is correct. I will remove the model in the next release, so I will not merge it.

Having said that, such feedback is always welcome, so please keep it coming ;-)