zenon-network / syrius

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P2P Swap Deposit ID Never Appears #105

Open 0x3639 opened 3 months ago

0x3639 commented 3 months ago

A user recently tried to initiate a P2P swap. Here is the transaction


After 30 minutes syrius has not produced a Deposit ID. Here is what the user is seeing.


1) Can we get the Deposit ID from the .json data? 2) What additional information can we provide to trouble shoot this?

vilkris4 commented 3 months ago

The deposit ID is the same as the transaction's hash (c5dc7308c223973508b4b1cdd15d4fd7bd264abd547439f0d5ac83ba6f76183f). This hash can be used to recover the funds after the deposit has expired with the deposit recovery feature in syrius.

What version of syrius did this happen with? Has the user tried restarting syrius?

0x3639 commented 3 months ago

He was using syrius v0.1.0. He did try a restart twice. He was able to recover the funds and we will try again.

vilkris4 commented 2 months ago

The user has reported that this issue is still present in v0.2.0. He has tried using different external nodes but the issue persists. Restarting syrius has no effect on the issue.