zenorogue / hyperrogue

A SDL roguelike in a non-euclidean world
GNU General Public License v2.0
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French Translation #306

Open 3raven opened 2 years ago

3raven commented 2 years ago


Hi, I translated your game in french (link to the language-fr.cpp , I changed the file extension so I can send it).

zenorogue commented 2 years ago


Is it to fine for us to add this translation to the commercial versions of HyperRogue? (I have to ask for legal reasons)

I see no explanation of the codes you are using "%le1", "%Le1", "%un1", "%a1", "%d1" (maybe something else). How should these be replaced? Specifically, AFAIK in French some mascuiline nouns use le and some use l' -- how to tell which one to use?

3raven commented 2 years ago

There might be mistakes here because I not sure how the replacing % works, I replaced words from German template so there might also be redundant stuff (like usuless datif/accusatif forms)

For "le/la" : these are "articles défini" translation of "the". before a feminine noun you should use la and le before a masculine one. If the noun (any gender) begins by a voyel you use "l'" for example "amber" translates into "ambre" and "the amber" to "l'ambre". This is to avoid having two voyels following each other

3raven commented 2 years ago

Plus with some prépositions like "à" and "de" you can also have contracted forms with "à le" ->"au" and "de le"->"du"

3raven commented 2 years ago

for undefined articles "un/une" (translation of "a") those are masculine/feminines forms of the article

3raven commented 2 years ago

Yes it is fine to use the translation for commercial versions

3raven commented 2 years ago

plus most adjectives change according to the gender of the attached noun.

zenorogue commented 2 years ago

Thanks, should be easy to take that into account!

Could you give me an example of an adjective changing according to the gender of the attached noun (and how it should change)? In Polish this is encoded as %ya, for example:

S("%The1 is confused!", "%1 jest zmieszan%ya1.")
S("You feel that %the2 become%s2 more dangerous.", "Masz wrażenie, że %P2 staje się bardziej niebezpieczn%ya2.")
S("You feel that %the1 slowly become%s1 dangerous...", "Masz wrażenie, że %P1 powoli staje się niebezpieczn%ya1...")
S("%The1 is immune to mental blasts!", "%1 jest odporn%ya1 na atak psychiczny!")
S("%The1 is immune to wind!", "%1 jest odporn%ya1 na wiatr!")
S("%The1 is crushed!", "%1 zosta%ł1 przygniecion%ya1!")
S("%The1 squeaks in a confused way.", "Zmieszan%ya1 %1 pisn%ął1.")
S("Don't be fooled by this red-haired boy, or you will be stabbed if you come too close!",
  "Nie daj się zwieść temu rudowłosemu, bo jak się za bardzo zbliżysz, możesz zostać ugodzon%ya0 nożem!")
S("Killed %1 can be revived with an Orb of Love, after you collect 20 more $$$.",
  "Zabit%ya1 %1 może zostać przywrócona do życia Sferą Miłości, ")

Unfortunately the German translation is outdated -- it contains only things from HyperRogue versions up to 8.3. Since you based your translation on German, your translation is currently also similarly outdated. (Polish and Czech translations are up-to-date, so you can find the extra lines to translate there -- new lines to translate are always added to the bottom.)

3raven commented 2 years ago

Usually it's by adding a -e at the end of the masculine adjective, but this works for less than 50% adjective (I know it's complicate ><) otherwise it is a case by case basis (I suggest to use an online french dictionary to check the feminine form). I'm unsure of the best way to manage this.

3raven commented 2 years ago

I might complete the translation but not right now

zenorogue commented 2 years ago

Some French words I know which change: fatal/fatale, mortel/mortelle

I would suggest using %e1 to denote that a "e" should be added when object 1 is feminine, e.g. fatal%e1 (as usual, 0 refers to the player). If a word follows another system, I would suggest adding a comment (e.g. "// feminine: mortel/mortelle") and then I would read the comments and try to find an elegant way to handle these. (I suppose there are not many cases, Polish has almost all adjectives gendered but it seems to be relevant in about 20 cases.)

Sure, we will wait! Should I just add the translation to the next version, or do you want to finish/test it first?

3raven commented 2 years ago

I don't know when I will have time to finish it so you can add it

zenorogue commented 2 years ago

Implemented the rules, so it will be playable in the next update!

Also fixed some things that were clearly wrong (the English text uses %the1 while the German translation uses %der1 %1, you sometimes used %le1 %1 as in the German translation and sometimes just %le1 as in English -- replaced with just %le1 or with %led1 or %lea1 when %a1 or %d1 were used; also an use of %der and some double spaces), see here: https://github.com/zenorogue/hyperrogue/commit/8eaeff85ebad1dca2ade98669430ff85cd098574

zenorogue commented 2 years ago

The translation can be tested in 12.0t. You might also want to join the "translations" channels in the HyperRogue discord: https://discord.gg/8G44XkR

zenorogue commented 2 years ago

12.0t1 includes some fixes by @Technochips. (%lea1 and %led1 are removed as they are useless; some flags are introduced for genders, such as GENF_ELISION for l'-words, GENF_PLURALONLY and GENF_PROPER.)

3raven commented 2 years ago



I completed the translation (using the polish one as template because it seemed up-to-date) and corrected few stuff.

zenorogue commented 2 years ago

Great, thanks! The update is added to the repository, so it should be live soon.

zenorogue commented 2 years ago

Forgot to mention: 12.0y includes the updated translation (with some fixes by Tyzone).

zenorogue commented 9 months ago

The Polish translation file https://github.com/zenorogue/hyperrogue/blob/master/language-pl.cpp is updated with some new texts, so it would be good to update the French translation too.