zenorogue / hyperrogue

A SDL roguelike in a non-euclidean world
GNU General Public License v2.0
554 stars 66 forks source link

Difficulty levels? #351

Open lahwran opened 7 months ago

lahwran commented 7 months ago

I made a custom fork with some changes that are less than total cheat mode (doesn't let you just arbitrarily spawn items or etc), but which makes the game much easier. I'd love to see some sort of three to five level difficulty setting that can switch between different difficulties - I find the default game to be far too difficult to keep my attention, but I wanted to love it, hence the difficuty-changing mod. Perhaps the hardest mode can be the default mode, and easy mode can have something vaguely like my mode. The guiding principle for me is, the player should be able to have six to seven orbs active most of the time if they play well; if I were naming modes, I'd call mine "magical arcade", and the default one I'd call "chess strategy".

zenorogue commented 7 months ago

I think easier difficulty modes are a good idea, but they probably should be designed by potential users, not by me (I am afraid I would make them not fun for anyone). So, your idea of "magical arcade" (I see that you make orbs more frequent and longer lasting) looks very cool. You might also want to ask in our Discord to see what the community thinks.