As is, the monitoring templates fail with an error that the command isn't found (at least on Zenoss 6.4.1), since zencommand expects scripts to be installed into /opt/zenoss/libexec. Other ZenPacks install a symlink pointing to the actual check script (see, e.g. ZenPacks.zenoss.CiscoMonitor or ZenPacks.zenoss.Memcached), but this is a quick fix that shouldn't risk breaking anything.
The script also doesn't have the execute bit set, so this calls zenoss's python binary.
Resolve full path to script using ZenPackManager
Call script using zenoss python, since file isn't marked executable
As is, the monitoring templates fail with an error that the command isn't found (at least on Zenoss 6.4.1), since zencommand expects scripts to be installed into /opt/zenoss/libexec. Other ZenPacks install a symlink pointing to the actual check script (see, e.g. ZenPacks.zenoss.CiscoMonitor or ZenPacks.zenoss.Memcached), but this is a quick fix that shouldn't risk breaking anything.
The script also doesn't have the execute bit set, so this calls zenoss's python binary.