zenoss / ZenPacks.zenoss.RabbitMQ

RabbitMQ Monitoring for Zenoss
GNU General Public License v2.0
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ZenPacks.zenoss.RabbitMQ To Monitor RabbitMQ in Zenoss Core 4 #6

Open dpetzel opened 12 years ago

dpetzel commented 12 years ago

Now that Core 4 is using RabbitMQ, it would seem logical that the RabbitMQ pack could be used to monitor the Rabbit instance running on your Zenoss Core master server, however this pack seems demand modeling and collection over SSH. Would it be possible to update this so you run it against localhost as well? In case it helps, here is the output when running the modeler showing the SSH connection attempt to localhost:

2012-03-15 11:17:05,964 INFO zen.ZenModeler: plugins: zenoss.ssh.RabbitMQ 2012-03-15 11:17:05,965 DEBUG zen.SshClient: SshClient connecting to localhost:22 with timeout 10.0 seconds

cluther commented 12 years ago

Good point. You could go into the RabbitMQNode and RabbitMQQueue monitoring templates and uncheck the "Use SSH" option in each of their datasources.

dpetzel commented 12 years ago

Understood, but How can I get around the modeler requirement? The templates are an easy override and update, but It seems the modeler plugin is hard coded?

cluther commented 12 years ago

Yes, you're right about that. This will definitely be trickier as running those rabbitmqctl commands localy ordinarily can't be done as a non-root user, and that's how Zenoss would execute it. Even if those permissions weren't an issue it would take some serious refactoring of the modeler plugin. Running commands remotely over SSH is all handled automatically by the modeler framework when you extend CommandPlugin as I've done in this ZenPack. Executing them locally would have to be done in a modeler plugin that extends PythonPlugin.

eedgar commented 11 years ago

Is this still an open issue or can it be closed?

cluther commented 11 years ago

It's still open.