zenstruck / foundry

A model factory library for creating expressive, auto-completable, on-demand dev/test fixtures with Symfony and Doctrine.
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Possibility to "merge" properties in user land #553

Open nikophil opened 8 months ago

nikophil commented 8 months ago

From time to time there is the need to "merge" properties.

Given the following code:

// BlogPostFactory

public function defaults(): array
    return [
        'tags' => []

public function taggedWithPhp(): static 
    return $this->withAttributes(['tags' => ['php']]);

public function taggedWithSymfony(): static 
    return $this->withAttributes(['tags' => ['symfony']]);

It is not possible have a nice fluent api to have both tags php and symfony. I could do something like BlogPostFactory::createOne(['tags' => ['php', 'symfony']]), but real world examples are much less naive :)

Another example would be with a bitmask:


I think there could be several solutions to mitigate this problem:

not sure what would be the best solution :thinking:

kbond commented 8 months ago

Does this work?

// BlogPostFactory

public function defaults(): array
    return [
        'tags' => []

public function taggedWithPhp(): static 
    return $this->beforeInstantiate(function(array $attributes) {
        $attribtues['tags'][] = 'php';

        return $attributes;

public function taggedWithSymfony(): static 
    return $this->beforeInstantiate(function(array $attributes) {
        $attribtues['tags'][] = 'symfony';

        return $attributes;

If so, this feels like the best method to give complete control. We could make a helper but, like you say, do we deep merge?