zenstruck / foundry

A model factory library for creating expressive, auto-completable, on-demand dev/test fixtures with Symfony and Doctrine.
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Using story pools without persisting #573

Closed Brewal closed 5 days ago

Brewal commented 3 months ago

I'm using foundry without doctrine and manually save my objects with this function in my factories :

protected function initialize(): self
        return $this->withoutPersisting()
                fn (Establishment $establishment) => $this->repository->save($establishment),

I'm facing an issue while using stories and pools.

If I call $this->addToPool() inside a story, I get the following error :

RuntimeException : Should not get doctrine's object manager when persist is disabled.

What I understood is that I wouldn't be able to use pools because of the normalizeObject private method of Story :

        // ensure proxies are persisted
        if (!$object->isPersisted()) {

Is there a workaround for this use case ?

Thanks to this : https://github.com/zenstruck/foundry/pull/488 we can globally disable persist. Would it make sense to check for this configuration in the Story ?

nikophil commented 5 days ago

this is fixed!