zenstruck / foundry

A model factory library for creating expressive, auto-completable, on-demand dev/test fixtures with Symfony and Doctrine.
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Creating linked entities dependent on parent entity #606

Closed orangevinz closed 1 month ago

orangevinz commented 1 month ago

Foundry: 1.23.x

I am facing a problem while creating entities that are linked and depend on the parent entity. I need to access $this during the creation of the child entity.

Until now I used afterPersist(), but this saves the object twice: once for creation and once for updating the relationships. This can trigger my doctrine listenners for postPersist and postUpdate, which I want to avoid.

If I use afterInstantiate, I encounter issues with cascading reverse relations.

Here's a schematic of the entities and their relationships:

// User Entity
class User
    private ?string $name = null;
    private Collection $pictures;
    private ?Person $mainPerson = null;

    public function __construct()
        $this->pictures = new ArrayCollection();

// Picture Entity
class Picture
    private ?User $user = null;
    private ?Person $person = null;

// Person Entity
class Person
    private Collection $pictures;
    private Collection $users;

    public function __construct()
        $this->pictures = new ArrayCollection();
        $this->users = new ArrayCollection();

// PicturePerson Entity
class PicturePerson
    private ?Picture $picture = null;
    private ?Person $person = null;
final class UserFactory extends ModelFactory
    protected function getDefaults(): array
        return [
            'name' => self::faker()->name,

    protected function initialize(): self
        return $this
            ->afterPersist(function (User $user) {
                // Create 1 Person for each User
                $person = PersonFactory::new()->create()->object();

                // Create 2 Pictures for each User
                $picture1 = PictureFactory::new()->create([
                    'user' => $user,
                $picture2 = PictureFactory::new()->create([
                    'user' => $user,

                // Associate each Picture with the Person
                    'picture' => $picture1,
                    'person' => $person,
                    'picture' => $picture2,
                    'person' => $person,

                // Associate the Person with the User

    protected static function getClass(): string
        return User::class;

In summary, I want to create a User, with each one having 2 Pictures and each Picture having 1 Person associated with it. The Person should be set as the MainPerson for the User.


nikophil commented 1 month ago

Hi @orangevinz

If I use afterInstantiate, I encounter issues with cascading reverse relations.

what's exactly this issue?

orangevinz commented 1 month ago

Sorry @nikophil I'm ashamed I set cascade: ['persist'] and it works ^^