zenstruck / foundry

A model factory library for creating expressive, auto-completable, on-demand dev/test fixtures with Symfony and Doctrine.
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fix(orm): reset database instead of dropping the schema when using migrations #615

Closed vincentchalamon closed 2 weeks ago

vincentchalamon commented 2 weeks ago

Description of the bug

On Foundry 2.x, the resetSchema method calls dropSchema whatever mode is configured. On Foundry 1.x, the same call detects the migrate mode and resets the database instead of dropping the schema.

I think this was made this way in case of multiple schemas in the same database (which is the case in my client project), and to prevent any undesired behaviors (e.g: doctrine:schema:drop doesn't seem to remove all schemas from the database in case of multiple schemas).

Possible solution

Backporting some code from 1.x to detect the mode on dropSchema and reset the database instead fixes this bug.

nikophil commented 2 weeks ago

thanks @vincentchalamon