SELECT COUNT(p0_.finished_at) AS sclr_0
FROM processed_messages p0_
WHERE p0_.finished_at >= ?
AND p0_.failure_type IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY p0_.finished_at DESC
This query does not return a single count but instead a row for each finished message.
the correct query should be:
FROM processed_messages p0_
WHERE p0_.finished_at >= ?
AND p0_.failure_type IS NOT NULL;
Easy fix, but I'm having trouble seeing what the best fix is because of the use of the specification pattern.
How would you like this fixed?
Hi Kevin,
There appears to be a problem with counting the total number of messages processed
because the query to do so looks like this:
This query does not return a single count but instead a row for each finished message.
the correct query should be:
Easy fix, but I'm having trouble seeing what the best fix is because of the use of the specification pattern. How would you like this fixed?