zenstruck / messenger-test

Assertions and helpers for testing your symfony/messenger queues.
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Undefined array key "<queue_name>" when running multiple test #65

Closed nathan-de-pachtere closed 1 year ago

nathan-de-pachtere commented 1 year ago


I have an error when running multiple tests. What I mean by "running multiple tests" is when launching test over a test file with multiple testFunction().

Undefined array key "statistic"


These are the class dispatching messages :

#[AsEntityListener(event: Events::postPersist, entity: Reviewer::class)]
class NumberOfReviewersCreatedListener
    public function __construct(private readonly MessageBusInterface $messageBus)

    public function __invoke(Reviewer $reviewer): void
        $this->messageBus->dispatch(new StatisticsReviewNumberOfReviewersCreatedMessage($reviewer->getCompany()));
#[AsEntityListener(event: Events::preRemove, entity: Reviewer::class)]
class NumberOfRefusedByReviewerListener
    public function __construct(private readonly MessageBusInterface $messageBus, private readonly Security $security)

    public function __invoke(Reviewer $reviewer): void
        if ($this->security->getUser() instanceof Reviewer) {
            $this->messageBus->dispatch(new StatisticsReviewNumberOfRefusedByReviewerMessage($reviewer->getCompany()));
#[AsEntityListener(event: Events::preRemove, entity: Reviewer::class)]
class NumberOfDeletedListener
    public function __construct(private readonly MessageBusInterface $messageBus, private readonly Security $security)

    public function __invoke(Reviewer $reviewer): void
        if (!$this->security->getUser() instanceof Reviewer) {
            $this->messageBus->dispatch(new StatisticsReviewNumberOfDeletedReviewersMessage($reviewer->getCompany()));

My test file

class StatisticsReviewResourceTest extends ApiTestCase
    public function testIncrementNumberOfReviewersCreated()
        $statistics = $this->company->getStatisticsReview();
        $this->assertEquals(0, $statistics->getNumberOfReviewersCreated());

        $numberOfReviewersToCreate = 4;
        ReviewerFactory::createMany($numberOfReviewersToCreate, [
            'company' => $this->company

        $this->transport('statistic')->queue()->assertContains(StatisticsReviewNumberOfReviewersCreatedMessage::class, $numberOfReviewersToCreate);

        $statistics = $this->company->getStatisticsReview();
        $this->assertEquals($numberOfReviewersToCreate, $statistics->getNumberOfReviewersCreated());

    public function testIncrementNumberOfRefusedByReviewer()
        $statistics = $this->company->getStatisticsReview();
        $this->assertEquals(0, $statistics->getNumberOfRefusedByReviewer());

        ReviewerFactory::createMany(3, [
            'company' => $this->company

        $reviewer = ReviewerFactory::first();

        $this->transport('statistic')->queue()->assertContains(StatisticsReviewNumberOfRefusedByReviewerMessage::class, 1);

        $statistics = $this->company->getStatisticsReview();
        $this->assertEquals(1, $statistics->getNumberOfRefusedByReviewer());

    public function testIncrementNumberOfDeletedReviewers()
        $statistics = $this->company->getStatisticsReview();
        $this->assertEquals(0, $statistics->getNumberOfDeletedReviewer());

        ReviewerFactory::createMany(3, [
            'company' => $this->company

        $reviewer = ReviewerFactory::first();

        $this->transport('statistic')->queue()->assertContains(StatisticsReviewNumberOfDeletedReviewersMessage::class, 1);

        $statistics = $this->company->getStatisticsReview();
        $this->assertEquals(1, $statistics->getNumberOfDeletedReviewer());

    public function testJustForEvenNumberFail()
        $statistics = $this->company->getStatisticsReview();
        $this->assertEquals(0, $statistics->getNumberOfRefusedByReviewer());

        ReviewerFactory::createMany(3, [
            'company' => $this->company

        $reviewer = ReviewerFactory::first();

        $this->transport('statistic')->queue()->assertContains(StatisticsReviewNumberOfRefusedByReviewerMessage::class, 1);

        $statistics = $this->company->getStatisticsReview();
        $this->assertEquals(1, $statistics->getNumberOfRefusedByReviewer());
abstract class ApiTestCase extends \ApiPlatform\Symfony\Bundle\Test\ApiTestCase
    use HasBrowser {
        browser as baseKernelBrowser;

    use CompanyTestTrait;
    use HasCompany;
    use InteractsWithMessenger;
    use ResetDatabase;
    use Factories;

    protected function browser(array $options = [], array $server = []): TestBrowser
        return $this->baseKernelBrowser($options, $server)
                    ->withHeader('Accept', 'application/ld+json')

If I remove the dispatch from NumberOfReviewersCreatedListener.php:20 I got the same error but slightly different and on all tests (2, 3 , 4) (first test fail cause there is no more message dispatched)

1) App\Tests\Functional\Review\StatisticsReviewResourceTest::testIncrementNumberOfRefusedByReviewer
Undefined array key "statistic"


2) App\Tests\Functional\Review\StatisticsReviewResourceTest::testIncrementNumberOfDeletedReviewers
Undefined array key "statistic"


3) App\Tests\Functional\Review\StatisticsReviewResourceTest::testJustForEvenNumberFail
Undefined array key "statistic"


If one you got an idea of what happening it would be a great help ! Thanks

kbond commented 1 year ago

Hey! I'll look a bit deeper shortly but first, do any of those other traits or base test class have any @before methods that manipulate messenger (ie $this->transport('<name>')->unblock();?

nathan-de-pachtere commented 1 year ago

@kbond Nope, none of them are manipulating messenger

trait HasCompany
    protected Company|Proxy $company;
    protected User|Proxy $owner;
    protected User|Proxy $collaborator;

    protected function setUp(): void
        list($company, $owner, $collaborator) = $this->createCompanyTeam();
        $this->company = $company;
        $this->owner = $owner;
        $this->collaborator = $collaborator;

    protected function tearDown(): void
        $this->deleteCompany($this->owner, $this->company);
trait CompanyTestTrait
    protected function createCompanyTeam(array $collaboratorPermissions = Permission::ALL): array
        list($company, $owner) = $this->createCompanyAndOwner();
        $collaborator = $this->addCollaboratorToCompany($company, $collaboratorPermissions);

        return [
            $company, $owner, $collaborator,

    protected function createCompanyAndOwner(string $legalForm = Company::LEGAL_FORM_EI): array
        $owner = UserFactory::new()->verified()->create();
        $company = CompanyFactory::new()->create([
            'creator' => $owner,
            'legalForm' => $legalForm,

        return [
            $company, $owner,

    protected function getCompanyIri(Company|Proxy $company): string
        return $this->findIriBy(Company::class, ['id' => $company->getId()]);

    protected function addCollaboratorToCompany(Company|Proxy $company, array $permissions = Permission::ALL): User|Proxy
        $collaborator = UserFactory::new()->verified()->create();

            'company' => $company,
            'user' => $collaborator,
            'permissions' => $permissions,

        return $collaborator;

    protected function deleteCompany(User|Proxy $owner, Company|Proxy $company): void

Other trait are from Zenstruck and the base class is from ApiPlatform.

kbond commented 1 year ago

Does removing @before from this method make any difference?


kbond commented 1 year ago

What's going on in the line that triggers the exception?

nathan-de-pachtere commented 1 year ago

@kbond Nope, still the same error.

If it's easier for you, we can make a visio with code sharing ;) I'm also working on a reproducer, in a clean empty project.

kbond commented 1 year ago

I'm also working on a reproducer, in a clean empty project.

This would be very helpful if you can do this!

nathan-de-pachtere commented 1 year ago

What's going on in the line that triggers the exception?


Just creating some Reviewers with Factory

ReviewerFactory::createMany(3, [
            'company' => $this->company
kbond commented 1 year ago

It must be something related to the @before hooks. Are you using PHPUnit 9?

nathan-de-pachtere commented 1 year ago

Yes PHPUnit 9.6.6 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

I'm not able to reproduce the exact same error. I mean, I can reproduce a db related error only on "even number" test second and fourth. But not able to get the queue_name messenger related error.

Sharing my work for now (still working on it) https://github.com/nathan-de-pachtere/messenger-test-fail-reproducer

Just to complet the error

1) App\Tests\Functional\Review\StatisticsReviewResourceTest::testIncrementNumberOfRefusedByReviewer
Undefined array key "statistic"


Tests: 3, Assertions: 27, Errors: 1.

Remaining indirect deprecation notices (10)
Session.php on line 44:

Don't know what is this Session.php on line 44 stuff printing at the end

nathan-de-pachtere commented 1 year ago

I really don't understand how the same test can be valid half the time depend on the last test. I mean if you run the same test 4 time first and third going to be ok but second and fourth gonna crash.

class StatisticsReviewResourceTest extends ApiTestCase
    public function testIncrementNumberOfReviewersCreated()
        $statistics = $this->company->getStatisticsReview();
        $this->assertEquals(0, $statistics->getNumberOfReviewersCreated());

        $numberOfReviewersToCreate = 4;
        ReviewerFactory::createMany($numberOfReviewersToCreate, [
            'company' => $this->company

        $this->transport('statistic')->queue()->assertContains(StatisticsReviewNumberOfReviewersCreatedMessage::class, $numberOfReviewersToCreate);

        $statistics = $this->company->getStatisticsReview();
        $this->assertEquals($numberOfReviewersToCreate, $statistics->getNumberOfReviewersCreated());

    public function testIncrementNgumberOfReviewersCreated()
        $statistics = $this->company->getStatisticsReview();
        $this->assertEquals(0, $statistics->getNumberOfReviewersCreated());

        $numberOfReviewersToCreate = 4;
        ReviewerFactory::createMany($numberOfReviewersToCreate, [
            'company' => $this->company

        $this->transport('statistic')->queue()->assertContains(StatisticsReviewNumberOfReviewersCreatedMessage::class, $numberOfReviewersToCreate);

        $statistics = $this->company->getStatisticsReview();
        $this->assertEquals($numberOfReviewersToCreate, $statistics->getNumberOfReviewersCreated());

    public function testIncrementdNumberOfReviewersCreated()
        $statistics = $this->company->getStatisticsReview();
        $this->assertEquals(0, $statistics->getNumberOfReviewersCreated());

        $numberOfReviewersToCreate = 4;
        ReviewerFactory::createMany($numberOfReviewersToCreate, [
            'company' => $this->company

        $this->transport('statistic')->queue()->assertContains(StatisticsReviewNumberOfReviewersCreatedMessage::class, $numberOfReviewersToCreate);

        $statistics = $this->company->getStatisticsReview();
        $this->assertEquals($numberOfReviewersToCreate, $statistics->getNumberOfReviewersCreated());

    public function testIncrementfNumberOfReviewersCreated()
        $statistics = $this->company->getStatisticsReview();
        $this->assertEquals(0, $statistics->getNumberOfReviewersCreated());

        $numberOfReviewersToCreate = 4;
        ReviewerFactory::createMany($numberOfReviewersToCreate, [
            'company' => $this->company

        $this->transport('statistic')->queue()->assertContains(StatisticsReviewNumberOfReviewersCreatedMessage::class, $numberOfReviewersToCreate);

        $statistics = $this->company->getStatisticsReview();
        $this->assertEquals($numberOfReviewersToCreate, $statistics->getNumberOfReviewersCreated());

result in

php -d memory_limit=-1 ./vendor/bin/phpunit tests/Functional/Review/StatisticsReviewResourceTest.php
PHPUnit 9.6.6 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Testing App\Tests\Functional\Review\StatisticsReviewResourceTest
.E.E                                                                4 / 4 (100%)

Saved Browser Artifacts:

    Saved Source Files:
      * ./var/browser/source/error_App-Tests-Functional-Review-StatisticsReviewResourceTest__testIncrementNgumberOfReviewersCreated__0.html:

    Saved Source Files:
      * ./var/browser/source/error_App-Tests-Functional-Review-StatisticsReviewResourceTest__testIncrementfNumberOfReviewersCreated__0.html:

Time: 00:25.358, Memory: 92.50 MB

There were 2 errors:

1) App\Tests\Functional\Review\StatisticsReviewResourceTest::testIncrementNgumberOfReviewersCreated
Undefined array key "statistic"


2) App\Tests\Functional\Review\StatisticsReviewResourceTest::testIncrementfNumberOfReviewersCreated
Undefined array key "statistic"


Tests: 4, Assertions: 30, Errors: 2.

Remaining indirect deprecation notices (10)
Session.php on line 44:
kbond commented 1 year ago

I mean, I can reproduce a db related error only on "even number" test second and fourth. But not able to get the queue_name messenger related error.

Not sure if related to this issue but in your reproducer but:

https://github.com/nathan-de-pachtere/messenger-test-fail-reproducer/blob/7f949c86efcd55e00dac7ef5cbdd83d65e4c085a/tests/Functional/MainTest.php#L38 causes the db error. You actually can remove this entire method really as the db is reset because you're using the ResetDatabase trait.

Ok, just as a test, I threw a flush after the ->remove() call in the link above and now I get the Undefined array key "statistic" error every other test! This seems related.

kbond commented 1 year ago

Can you remove

    protected function tearDown(): void
        $this->deleteCompany($this->owner, $this->company);

from your HasCompany trait and see if that fixes?

kbond commented 1 year ago

Ok, I believe the issue was with your tearDown() not calling parent::tearDown().

Again though, you shouldn't need to delete entities in tearDown(), @after methods when using the ResetDatabase trait.

If you want to keep the tearDown method, ensure parent::tearDown() is called after your logic.

nathan-de-pachtere commented 1 year ago

Ok, I believe the issue was with your tearDown() not calling parent::tearDown().

Again though, you shouldn't need to delete entities in tearDown(), @after methods when using the ResetDatabase trait.

If you want to keep the tearDown method, ensure parent::tearDown() is called after your logic.

I need that delete on my Company entity to clean third party elements (S3 Bucket, Stripe, etc... ) in test environment. The ResetDatabase doesn't trigger lifecycle events that why I'm doing this cleanup even if I'm using the ResetDatabaseTrait (who perform a doctrine:schema:drop). Maybe it's not the good way, but I like to keep all my environments as clean as possible and at the same time check if users can delete their companies environments (through api call) what ever they are doing (all my other tests)

I made this changes to the tearDown() function in ApiTestCase class, and it's working! Thanks for your help and your precious time!

/** @after */
    protected function cleanCompany(): void
        $this->deleteCompany($this->owner, $this->company);

I still don't understand why this happens to this particular test with those PreRemove hooks triggered. It is because the kernel was not shutdown properly, so the reset messenger get wrong ? But what the link between this and the hooks ...

kbond commented 1 year ago

Maybe it's not the good way, but I like to keep all my environments as clean as possible and at the same time check if users can delete their companies environments (through api call) what ever they are doing (all my other tests)

That makes perfect sense.

I still don't understand why this happens to this particular test with those PreRemove hooks triggered. It is because the kernel was not shutdown properly, so the reset messenger get wrong ? But what the link between this and the hooks ...

I think the issue is the methods marked as @after are called after tearDown (which shuts down the kernel)