zentures / sequence

(Unmaintained) High performance sequential log analyzer and parser
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show message counts #8

Closed rogpeppe closed 9 years ago

rogpeppe commented 9 years ago

(First, thanks for this tool - it's potentially really useful)

When analysing a log file, it would be very useful to have not only the patterns and the example line, but also the number of lines in the log file that matched each pattern, to get an idea for the prevalence of each pattern in the file.

cryptix commented 9 years ago

:+1: I thought about something similar. My idea was letting the scanner return the line number of the rules file it matched against or maybe adding an identifier to the rules to group them together.

zhenjl commented 9 years ago

Ack. I think someone else on reddit or HN also asked for something similar. Traveling last and this week (MWC) so won't be able to do much...but sounds like a good feature to have so will add.

zhenjl commented 9 years ago

In the analyze output I've added a comment showing the # of messages matching that pattern. Let me know if that works.

I didn't list out every message that matches the pattern, but it's not hard to do if that's useful.