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Week 8 Crossover FRQ Grading (Komay reviews Abhijay) #32

Open zenxha opened 2 years ago

zenxha commented 2 years ago

Reviewing Abhijay

Feature Evaluation Score
Github/Wiki page The github wiki page was super nice to read and easy to find from the wiki. Good job dude 100%
FRQ Menu No FRQ menu, but all frqs are easily accessible in Abhijay's FRQ directory/package which is actually absolute poggers
Github Source The GitHub source is smoothly connected to his repl.it project as shown through the repository
Learnings Learnings page was very well organized, and its obvious that he learned a lot in the process of solving all these FRQS. If I were to offer some areas for improvement, I'll just add some links to code/specific examples

Analysis and Reflection (Individual)

Comparison 1: My inputs and outputs had user input, while Abhijay's had hardcoded input displayed through terminal. Both require a lot of effort, I just had one extra step with putting it into html Comparison 2: Abhijay had the brilliant idea of moving all his code from a github repo to repl.it. This allowed me to run the frqs and see them in all their glory Comparison 3: He did way better on the reflection because it properly encapsulated all his ideas and the thought processes that he went through while doing my FRQs. It really shows the amount of work he did and the struggles he went through. Mine on the other hand aren't as in depth so he did it better, yeah.

Summary Reflection: Overall, I think my FRQs are adequate and serve their role properly. I think the pros are that they are formatted neatly and it is pretty easy to understand the code. Also, every piece of code has some sort of role and is created pretty well. The cons from this are that each project is basically just the base model of the finished product and it doesn't really go above and beyond like how other people do it. It simply finishes the job. Next time, I could expand my Java knowledge and try to add things that weren't even on the prompt to try and make my projects more out of the box.

Live Grading (Individual + Pair)

Github Page and Wiki: link One Location: runtime Github Source to each FRQ: here

abhijay-deevi commented 2 years ago

Management of FRQs (Pair Share)

Abhijay's ReplIt: https://replit.com/@GodlyGoats/Deevi-FRQs#Main.java

Feature Evaluation Score
Github/Wiki page Clearly he has a wikipage that explains his thought process on the code that he wrote for his FRQs. He understands what he is doing and gives talking points and learnings for each one. 100%
FRQ Menu He did have a menu for all of his FRQs and almost all the FRQs run, which is pretty impressive. Also, there is a button that allows you to see the code behind everything, which is a pretty nifty feature. The menu was pretty nice and it helped store everything onto one page. 100%
Github Source He has a GitHub source connected to his IntelliJ project as shown through the repository 100%
Learnings This was a decent reflection. He did include all the required elements for the reflections but it did seem like he could have added a little more to make the reflection more engaging, per se. However, he did include everything that needed to be included. 80%
Inputs & Outputs He definitely has more than 2 FRQs that use both inputs and outputs. He gets full credit for this as well. 100%

Total Score for Komay (Pair Share): 95%

Analysis and Reflection (Individual)

Comparison 1: The inputs and outputs for Komay's projects were much more impressive than my inputs. Everything was neatly organized on a page and it was actually cool to use the input. I think I should include that in my project too because it would be much more engaging. Comparison 2: He also had more user input pages on his website which matched almost all the FRQs. I don't have that many of those, so I think I need to add those as well. Comparison 3: One thing that I think I did better on was the reflection because it properly encapsulated all my ideas and the thought processes that I went through while doing my FRQs. It really shows the amount of work I did and the struggles we went through.

Summary Reflection: Overall, I think my FRQs are adequate and serve their role properly. I think the pros are that they are formatted neatly and it is pretty easy to understand the code. Also, every piece of code has some sort of role and is created pretty well. The cons from this are that each project is basically just the base model of the finished product and it doesn't really go above and beyond like how other people do it. It simply finishes the job. Next time, I could expand my Java knowledge and try to add things that weren't even on the prompt to try and make my projects more out of the box.

Live Grading (Individual + Pair)

Github Page and Wiki: Abhijay +Komay One Location: Komay's are located on his IntelliJ page while Abhijay's are located on replit

zenxha commented 2 years ago


