zenxha / m22-2-social-credit-farmers

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Chris Individual Week 11 Review Ticket #41

Open ChristopherDuroiu opened 2 years ago

ChristopherDuroiu commented 2 years ago

Total Received Grade: (9.7/10)

Individual Evaluation on PBL Project - 5pts

Team Final Grading Considerations - 5 pts

lucap2527 commented 2 years ago

Crossover Grading Total 9.7/10 Individual Evaluation on PBL Project - 4.8/5pts Team Evaluation on PBL Project - 4.9/5

One PBL MVC feature (per indi/pair) - 1/1 Had his required assignment done and ready to go fully deployed on the website. Individual commits showing algorithms written in JS and/or Java - 1/1 Linked me to his commits that were plentiful and full of actual code work not just blank commits. Wiki with design ideas and usage - 1/1 Fully filled out wiki page with all the required information including design ideas and how he was going to implement them. Final program code (created independently or pair) - 1/1 Full program code can be found through github code section and can be seen added in recent commits. Assignment runs properly as it should on the actual website as well. A 1 minute video that displays the running of your program and demonstrates functionality you developed - .8/1 Slightly over 1 minute but does have some really good information and flows properly.

Team Final Grading Considerations - 5/5 pts

PBL Github Pages, Jekyll, WIKI - Live review PBL theme consistent through project and described in Github Pages - .5/.5 All sites on the page run through the same consistent theme, with a navbar and other features of the website that remains no matter what page you're on. Sassy / Bootstrap illustration in GitHub pages - .5/.5 Done as requirements entail and has all the proper functions. Database - CRUD operations on project centered database tables and describe in GitHub Pages - .5/.5 Database is running properly and can be used by the user. Deployed Project 24/7 - Deployment Overview and Policies described in GitHub Pages - .5/.5 Website is fully deployed and can be used by anyone with the proper link. Async Operation (ie JavaScript fetch) described in GitHub pages - .5/.5 Multiple uses of async operation throughout the code.

Runtime Features shown in 1 minute video Highlight of best features - .5/.5 Shows all the best features as required. Scrum Board - overview of completed tasks and GitHub tangibles - .5/.5 Scrumboard is properly filled out and kept up to date when needed MVC Package - a code overview showing a complete MVC package - .5/.5 MVC package is shown properly. Search on project database tables, easy to identify from UI - .5/.5 Shows a database search and usage right off the bat at the start of the video Google Search or Google translate implemented - .4/.5 Does actually search youtube not a specific search of given terms in the website.