zepernick / Codeigniter-DataTables

CodeIgniter Library For Ajax Server Side DataTables 1.10 >
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Duplicate column names conflicting even when using table aliases #21

Open gastongr opened 8 years ago

gastongr commented 8 years ago

Hello @zepernick , just wanted to report the following problem:

I have two tables, 'products' and 'product_types', both having a 'name' column. I want to display the products table with the product type, so i joined both tables in products.product_type_id=product_types.id

In my Model:

    public function joinArray(){
        return array(
                'product_types pt|left outer' => 'pt.id = p.product_type_id',

    public function fromTableStr() {
        return 'products p';

The javascript with column names:

        $('#recordsTable').dataTable( {
        processing: true,
        serverSide: true,
        ajax: {
            'url': BASE_URL + '/products/dataTable',
            'type': 'POST'
        columns: [
            {data: 'p.name'},
            {data: 'pt.name'},
            {data: 'p.sale_price'},
            {data: 'p.barcode'}

The problem is that the name fields are blank and in some cases both are filled with the same data.

In the json response values are wrong, but the db query is right. So i guess the problem is when building the response and i couldn't find how to fix it.

Alternatively i'm adding duplicate field names using appendToSelectStr() since it allows aliases, however it would be nice to get it right.

Please if you can help it will be greatly appreciated :)

Thanks for the great library!

gastongr commented 8 years ago

I changed the column names in the database so that they are all different and it works perfectly. So i can confirm that there is an issue when using duplicate column names even when using table aliases.

leirags commented 7 years ago

I fixit...

line 182(add) : $selectArrayAlias = array();

line 196 (replace) :

$selectArrayAlias[] = $c['data'];
if (isset($c['name'])) {
    $selectArray[] = $c['name'].' '.$c['data'];
} else {
    $selectArray[] = $c['data'];

line277(replace) : $allColsArray = array_merge($selectArrayAlias, $customCols);


if (isset($c['name'])) {
    $searchableColumns[] = $c['name'];
} else 
    $searchableColumns[] = $colName;

Finally: Give a diferent name in "data" and set "name" as column name.

Now the name is the column (maybe table.column), and data is the alias for the column.

See the next example...

------- On JavaScript Call -------

columns: [
            { name : "cust.id" , data: "custid"},
            { name : "cust.name", data: "custname" },
            { name : "country.name", data: "cname" },
            { name : "states.name", data: "sname" },
            { name : "cust.city", data: "custcity" }
            { data : "$.city_state_zip" } //refers to the expression in the \"More Advanced DatatableModel Implementation"
gastongr commented 7 years ago

Thanks for taking the time to share your fix @leirags !

leirags commented 7 years ago

I make some other options, like set “LIKE” before, after or both in general search.

On Nov 22, 2016, at 6:29 PM, Gastón Greco notifications@github.com<mailto:notifications@github.com> wrote:

Thanks for taking the time to share your fix @leiragshttps://github.com/leirags !

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/zepernick/Codeigniter-DataTables/issues/21#issuecomment-262415271, or mute the threadhttps://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ADWF-Z4mhG2ofeBb7Bza-TKKZ41-HWYoks5rA5cAgaJpZM4IBac1.

leirags commented 7 years ago

Well by now, I like to share this changes I will sen to you a code… first I will show you how use

— New Options: setup type of search on each column if you need. Like this

$this->load->library('Datatable', array('model' => 'xcustomers_dt', 'rowIdCol' => 'cust.id'));


$this->datatable->setColumnSearchType('custname', ‘before’); // specific column name, colname LIKE %xxx $this->datatable->setColumnSearchType('cust.name', ‘after’); // specific column name, colname LIKE xxx% $this->datatable->setColumnSearchType('_global_searchtype', 'both’); // — all other columns, colname LIKE %xxx%


—————CODE <?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); /**


//log_message('error', 'row: '.print_r($row,true) ); //loop rows returned by the query foreach ($allColsArray as $c) { if (trim($c) === '') { continue; }

            $propParts = explode('.', $c);

            $prop = trim(end($propParts));
            //loop columns in each row that the grid has requested
            if (count($propParts) > 1) {
                //nest the objects correctly in the json if the column name includes
                //the table alias
                $nestedObj = array();
                if (isset($colObj[$propParts[0]])) {
                    //check if we alraedy have a object for this alias in the array
                    $nestedObj = $colObj[$propParts[0]];

                $nestedObj[$propParts[1]] = $this->formatValue($formats, $prop, $row->$prop);
                $colObj[$propParts[0]] = $nestedObj;
            } else {
                $colObj[$c] = $this->formatValue($formats, $prop, $row->$prop);

        if ($this->rowIdCol !== NULL) {
            $tmpRowIdSegments = explode('.', $this->rowIdCol);
            $idCol = trim(end($tmpRowIdSegments));
            $colObj['DT_RowId'] = $row->$idCol;
        $dataArray[] = $colObj;

    $totalRecords = $this->CI->db->count_all_results();

    $jsonArry['start'] = $start;
    $jsonArry['limit'] = $limit;
    $jsonArry['draw'] = (int)$f->post_get('draw');
    $jsonArry['recordsTotal'] = $totalRecords;
    $jsonArry['recordsFiltered'] = $totalRecords;
    $jsonArry['data'] = $dataArray;

if ($debug === TRUE) { $jsonArry['debug'] = $whereDebug; }

    if ($this->preResultFunc !== FALSE) {
        $func = $this->preResultFunc;

    return $jsonArry;


private function formatValue($formats, $column, $value)
    if (isset($formats[$column]) === FALSE || trim($value) == '') {
        return $value;

    switch ($formats[$column]) {
        case 'date' :
            $dtFormats = array('Y-m-d H:i:s', 'Y-m-d');
            $dt = null;
            //try to parse the date as 2 different formats
            foreach ($dtFormats as $f) {
                $dt = DateTime::createFromFormat($f, $value);
                if ($dt !== FALSE) {
            if ($dt === FALSE) {
                //neither pattern could parse the date
                throw new Exception('Could Not Parse To Date For Formatting [' . $value . ']');
            return $dt->format('m/d/Y');
        case 'percent' :
            ///$formatter = new \NumberFormatter('en_US', \NumberFormatter::PERCENT);
            //return $formatter -> format(floatval($value) * .01);
            return $value . '%';
        case 'currency' :
            return '$' . number_format(floatval($value), 2);
        case 'boolean' :
            $b = filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
            return $b ? 'Yes' : 'No';

    return $value;

/* * specify the joins and where clause for the Active Record. This code is common to * fetch the data and get a total record count /

private function sqlJoinsAndWhere()
    $debug = '';
    // this is protected in CI 3 and can no longer be turned off. must be turned off in the config
    // $this -> CI -> db-> _protect_identifiers = FALSE;

    $joins = $this->model->joinArray() === NULL ? array() : $this->model->joinArray();
    foreach ($joins as $table => $on) {
        $joinTypeArray = explode('|', $table);
        $tableName = $joinTypeArray[0];
        $join = 'inner';
        if (count($joinTypeArray) > 1) {
            $join = $joinTypeArray[1];
        $this->CI->db->join($tableName, $on, $join, $this->protectIdentifiers);

    $customExpArray = is_null($this->model->appendToSelectStr()) ?
        array() :

    $f = $this->CI->input;

    $searchableColumns = array();
    foreach ($f->post_get('columns') as $c) {

        $colName = $c['data'];

        if (substr($colName, 0, 2) === '$.') {
            $aliasKey = substr($colName, 2);
            if (isset($customExpArray[$aliasKey]) === FALSE) {
                throw new Exception('Alias[' . $aliasKey . '] Could Not Be Found In appendToSelectStr() Array');

            $colName = $customExpArray[$aliasKey];

        if ($c['searchable'] !== 'false') {

if (isset($c['name'])) { $searchableColumns[] = $c['name']; } else $searchableColumns[] = $colName; }

        if ($c['search']['value'] !== '') {
            $searchType = $this->getColumnSearchType($colName);
            //log_message('error', 'colname[' . $colName . '] searchtype[' . $searchType . ']');
            //handle custom sql expressions/subselects

            $debug .= 'col[' . $c['data'] . '] value[' . $c['search']['value'] . '] ' . PHP_EOL;
            // log_message('info', 'colname[' . $colName . '] searchtype[' . $searchType . ']');
            $this->CI->db->like($colName, $c['search']['value'], $searchType, $this->protectIdentifiers);

    // put together a global search if specified
    $globSearch = $f->post_get('search');
    if ($globSearch['value'] !== '') {
        $gSearchVal = $globSearch['value'];
        $gSearchVal = $this->CI->db->escape_like_str($gSearchVal);

$searchType = $this->getColumnSearchType('_global_searchtype'); $sqlOr = ''; $op = ''; foreach ($searchableColumns as $c) { if ($c!=='') { if ($searchType == 'both') { $sqlOr .= $op . $c . " LIKE '%{$gSearchVal}%'"; } else if ($searchType == 'before') { $sqlOr .= $op . $c . " LIKE '%{$gSearchVal}'"; } else if ($searchType == 'after') { $sqlOr .= $op . $c . " LIKE '{$gSearchVal}%'"; } else { $sqlOr .= $op . $c . " = '{$gSearchVal}'"; // none. } $op = ' OR '; } } $this->CI->db->where('(' . $sqlOr . ')'); }

    //append a static where clause to what the user has filtered, if the model tells us to do so
    $wArray = $this->model->whereClauseArray();
    if (is_null($wArray) === FALSE && is_array($wArray) === TRUE && count($wArray) > 0) {
        $this->CI->db->where($wArray, $this->protectIdentifiers);

    return $debug;


interface DatatableModel {

 * @ return
 *        Expressions / Columns to append to the select created by the Datatable library.
 *        Associative array where the key is the sql alias and the value is the sql expression
public function appendToSelectStr();

 * @return
 *      String table name to select from
public function fromTableStr();

 * @return
 *     Associative array of joins.  Return NULL or empty array  when not joining
public function joinArray();

 * @return
 *    Static where clause to be appended to all search queries.  Return NULL or empty array
 * when not filtering by additional criteria
public function whereClauseArray();


// END Datatable Class /* End of file Datatable.php */ ———————END CODE

On Nov 22, 2016, at 6:29 PM, Gastón Greco notifications@github.com<mailto:notifications@github.com> wrote:

Thanks for taking the time to share your fix @leiragshttps://github.com/leirags !

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/zepernick/Codeigniter-DataTables/issues/21#issuecomment-262415271, or mute the threadhttps://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ADWF-Z4mhG2ofeBb7Bza-TKKZ41-HWYoks5rA5cAgaJpZM4IBac1.