I've just found, that it is possible to use STM32CubeIDE GDB debugger in Eclipse.
The huge advantages are:
variables watch
setting speed of ST-LINK V2-1/V3 as you would do it in STM32CubeIDE
To do so just follow the steps in your Eclipse CDT 2020-03:
Install Zephyr Eclipse Plug-in from Eclipse Marketplace ( look for Zephyr ): Help -> Eclipse marketplace...
Create simple Zephyr Application project as it was described here or by ist
Now go to Help -> Install New Software... and add the following string to it: STM32CubeIDE Releases - http://sw-center.st.com/stm32cubeide/updatesite1
Choose STM32CubeIDE ( IDE ) and push Next button.
Wait for installation and restart Eclipse
Go to Help -> Check for Updates menu with ST's blue MX symbol. Install all updates and restart Eclipse again after request.
Open your Zephyr project created in step 2 and go to Debug configurations. Now you should be able to choose STM32 Cortex-M C/C++ Application debug methods.
I've tested only ST-LINK (ST-LINK GDB Server) and it worked fine for me with all advantages from above.
NOTE: Sometimes it is needed to delete .launch file created by STM32CubeIDE manually to run your program properly. Delete your STM32 config for it and recreate it. Also important to change compile flags sometimes like here.
Could/Should we add dependencies from STM32CubeIDE into Zephyr Eclipse Plug-in?
I've just found, that it is possible to use STM32CubeIDE GDB debugger in Eclipse. The huge advantages are:
To do so just follow the steps in your Eclipse CDT 2020-03:
Help -> Eclipse marketplace...
Help -> Install New Software...
and add the following string to it:STM32CubeIDE Releases - http://sw-center.st.com/stm32cubeide/updatesite1
button.Help -> Check for Updates
menu with ST's blueMX
symbol. Install all updates and restart Eclipse again after request.step 2
and go to Debug configurations. Now you should be able to chooseSTM32 Cortex-M C/C++ Application
debug methods.I've tested only
and it worked fine for me with all advantages from above.NOTE: Sometimes it is needed to delete
file created by STM32CubeIDE manually to run your program properly. Delete your STM32 config for it and recreate it. Also important to change compile flags sometimes like here.Could/Should we add dependencies from STM32CubeIDE into Zephyr Eclipse Plug-in?