Eclipse version 2020-12 @ ubuntu 20.04.02 LTS
Zephyr v2.6
Projects created using this plugin doesn't build.
Both a qemu_cortex_m3 and a frdm_k64f build fails on missing files. Files I can find in the modules coming from the modules folder. (core_cm3.h respectively MK64FN1M0VLL12-pinctrl.dtsi)
Eclipse version 2020-12 @ ubuntu 20.04.02 LTS Zephyr v2.6
Projects created using this plugin doesn't build. Both a qemu_cortex_m3 and a frdm_k64f build fails on missing files. Files I can find in the modules coming from the modules folder. (core_cm3.h respectively MK64FN1M0VLL12-pinctrl.dtsi)
A native_posix project does build though