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Simplify lvgl.h file by creating more header files inside module's sub-filoders (src/widgets and src/layouts) #52526

Closed bbkarim closed 2 years ago

bbkarim commented 2 years ago

Make the lvgl.h more simple and short by adding new header files and include them.

Describe the solution you'd like Create below header files:

And include them from lvgl.h

#include "src/libs/lv_libs.h"
#include "src/widgets/lv_widgets.h"
#include "src/layouts/lv_layout.h"
#include "src/others/lv_others.h"
carlescufi commented 2 years ago

@bbkarim thanks for the suggestion. Would you be able to send a Pull Request implementing this?

bbkarim commented 2 years ago

Sorry this is not targetign this project !

bbkarim commented 2 years ago