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Bluetooth: Restoring connection to peripheral issue #53348

Closed ahmedmoheb-nordic closed 1 year ago

ahmedmoheb-nordic commented 1 year ago

Application flow

  1. Central discovers and connects to 2 peripherals
  2. When one of the connections is dropped, central attempt to restore that connection again

Describe the bug When the connection with with the firstly connected peripheral is dropped and by trying to reconnect again, the connected callback is called with error code 0x02

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Checkout this commit 319ec5e7c0966e9aef03fc4376370a89096b4209
  2. Run ~/zephyrproject/zephyr/tests/bluetooth/bsim_bt/bsim_test_conn_stress/tests_scripts/conn_stress.sh

Logs and console output

d_01: @00:00:00.000000  *** Booting Zephyr OS build zephyr-v3.2.0-2919-ga5ad275de209 ***
d_02: @00:00:00.000000  *** Booting Zephyr OS build zephyr-v3.2.0-2919-ga5ad275de209 ***
d_00: @00:00:00.000000  *** Booting Zephyr OS build zephyr-v3.2.0-2919-ga5ad275de209 ***
d_01: @00:00:00.000000  [00:00:00.000,000] <inf> bt_hci_core: hci_vs_init: HW Platform: Nordic Semiconductor (0x0002)
d_01: @00:00:00.000000  [00:00:00.000,000] <inf> bt_hci_core: hci_vs_init: HW Variant: nRF52x (0x0002)
d_01: @00:00:00.000000  [00:00:00.000,000] <inf> bt_hci_core: hci_vs_init: Firmware: Standard Bluetooth controller (0x00) Version 3.2 Build 99
d_01: @00:00:00.000000  [00:00:00.000,000] <wrn> bt_id: bt_read_static_addr: No static addresses stored in controller
d_00: @00:00:00.000000  [00:00:00.000,000] <inf> bt_hci_core: hci_vs_init: HW Platform: Nordic Semiconductor (0x0002)
d_02: @00:00:00.000000  [00:00:00.000,000] <inf> bt_hci_core: hci_vs_init: HW Platform: Nordic Semiconductor (0x0002)
d_00: @00:00:00.000000  [00:00:00.000,000] <inf> bt_hci_core: hci_vs_init: HW Variant: nRF52x (0x0002)
d_02: @00:00:00.000000  [00:00:00.000,000] <inf> bt_hci_core: hci_vs_init: HW Variant: nRF52x (0x0002)
d_00: @00:00:00.000000  [00:00:00.000,000] <inf> bt_hci_core: hci_vs_init: Firmware: Standard Bluetooth controller (0x00) Version 3.2 Build 99
d_02: @00:00:00.000000  [00:00:00.000,000] <inf> bt_hci_core: hci_vs_init: Firmware: Standard Bluetooth controller (0x00) Version 3.2 Build 99
d_01: @00:00:00.000000  [Peripheral] : Initializing Test
d_02: @00:00:00.000000  [00:00:00.000,000] <wrn> bt_id: bt_read_static_addr: No static addresses stored in controller
d_00: @00:00:00.000000  [00:00:00.000,000] <wrn> bt_id: bt_read_static_addr: No static addresses stored in controller
d_02: @00:00:00.000000  [Peripheral] : Initializing Test
d_00: @00:00:00.000000  [Central] : Initializing Test
d_01: @00:00:00.004568  [00:00:00.004,547] <inf> bt_hci_core: bt_dev_show_info: Identity: CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random)
d_01: @00:00:00.004568  [00:00:00.004,547] <inf> bt_hci_core: bt_dev_show_info: HCI: version 5.3 (0x0c) revision 0x0000, manufacturer 0x05f1
d_01: @00:00:00.004568  [00:00:00.004,547] <inf> bt_hci_core: bt_dev_show_info: LMP: version 5.3 (0x0c) subver 0xffff
d_01: @00:00:00.004568  [Peripheral] : Bluetooth initialized
d_01: @00:00:00.004938  [Peripheral] : Advertising successfully started
d_00: @00:00:00.004568  [00:00:00.004,547] <inf> bt_hci_core: bt_dev_show_info: Identity: DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random)
d_00: @00:00:00.004568  [00:00:00.004,547] <inf> bt_hci_core: bt_dev_show_info: HCI: version 5.3 (0x0c) revision 0x0000, manufacturer 0x05f1
d_00: @00:00:00.004568  [00:00:00.004,547] <inf> bt_hci_core: bt_dev_show_info: LMP: version 5.3 (0x0c) subver 0xffff
d_00: @00:00:00.004568  [Central] : Bluetooth initialized
d_00: @00:00:00.004938  [Central] : Scanning successfully started
d_02: @00:00:00.004568  [00:00:00.004,547] <inf> bt_hci_core: bt_dev_show_info: Identity: DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random)
d_02: @00:00:00.004568  [00:00:00.004,547] <inf> bt_hci_core: bt_dev_show_info: HCI: version 5.3 (0x0c) revision 0x0000, manufacturer 0x05f1
d_02: @00:00:00.004568  [00:00:00.004,547] <inf> bt_hci_core: bt_dev_show_info: LMP: version 5.3 (0x0c) subver 0xffff
d_02: @00:00:00.004568  [Peripheral] : Bluetooth initialized
d_02: @00:00:00.004938  [Peripheral] : Advertising successfully started
d_00: @00:00:00.007160  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:00:00.007160  [Central] : [DEVICE]: 7A:7C:28:1F:71:40 (random), AD evt type 0, AD data len 3, RSSI -35
d_00: @00:00:00.007160  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:00:00.007916  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:00:00.007916  [Central] : [DEVICE]: 7A:7C:28:1F:71:40 (random), AD evt type 4, AD data len 19, RSSI -35
d_00: @00:00:00.007916  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:00:00.007916  [Central] : Device name : Zephyr Peripheral
d_00: @00:00:00.007917  [Central] : Scanning successfully stopped
d_00: @00:00:00.007917  [Central] : Connecting to 7A:7C:28:1F:71:40 (random)
d_01: @00:00:00.114719  [Peripheral] : Updated MTU: TX: 23 RX: 23 bytes
d_01: @00:00:00.114719  [Peripheral] : Connection 0x80d3060 established : 60:5D:FC:C7:1A:F4 (random)
d_00: @00:00:00.114716  [Central] : Updated MTU: TX: 23 RX: 23 bytes
d_00: @00:00:00.114716  [Central] : Connection 0x80d3160 established : 7A:7C:28:1F:71:40 (random)
d_00: @00:00:00.114716  [Central] : Active connections count : 1
d_00: @00:00:00.114716  [Central] : Connection reference store index 0
d_00: @00:00:00.115924  [Central] : Security level for connection 0x80d3160 with peer 7A:7C:28:1F:71:40 (random) is set to : 2
d_00: @00:00:00.329316  [Central] : Scanning successfully started
d_01: @00:00:00.716046  [Peripheral] : Security for 0x80d3060 changed: 60:5D:FC:C7:1A:F4 (random) level 2
d_01: @00:00:00.718506  [Peripheral] : Discovering peer 60:5D:FC:C7:1A:F4 (random) primary service
d_00: @00:00:00.743762  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:00:00.743762  [Central] : [DEVICE]: 68:11:15:89:AB:56 (random), AD evt type 0, AD data len 3, RSSI -35
d_00: @00:00:00.743762  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:00:00.744518  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:00:00.744518  [Central] : [DEVICE]: 68:11:15:89:AB:56 (random), AD evt type 4, AD data len 19, RSSI -35
d_00: @00:00:00.744518  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:00:00.744518  [Central] : Device name : Zephyr Peripheral
d_00: @00:00:00.744519  [Central] : Scanning successfully stopped
d_00: @00:00:00.744519  [Central] : Connecting to 68:11:15:89:AB:56 (random)
d_00: @00:00:00.816240  [Central] : Security for conn (0) @ 0x80d3160 changed: 7A:7C:28:1F:71:40 (random) level 2
d_00: @00:00:00.828278  [Central] : Updating MTU for CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random)...
d_02: @00:00:00.846958  [Peripheral] : Updated MTU: TX: 23 RX: 23 bytes
d_02: @00:00:00.846958  [Peripheral] : Connection 0x80d3060 established : 60:5D:FC:C7:1A:F4 (random)
d_00: @00:00:00.846965  [Central] : Updated MTU: TX: 23 RX: 23 bytes
d_00: @00:00:00.846965  [Central] : Connection 0x80d3218 established : 68:11:15:89:AB:56 (random)
d_00: @00:00:00.846965  [Central] : Active connections count : 2
d_00: @00:00:00.846965  [Central] : Connection reference store index 1
d_00: @00:00:00.848173  [Central] : Security level for connection 0x80d3218 with peer 68:11:15:89:AB:56 (random) is set to : 2
d_01: @00:00:00.966069  [Peripheral] : Updated MTU: TX: 247 RX: 247 bytes
d_01: @00:00:00.966069  [Peripheral] : Updating MTU succeeded DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random)
d_01: @00:00:01.016078  [Peripheral] : Primary Service Found
d_00: @00:00:01.016316  [Central] : Updated MTU: TX: 247 RX: 247 bytes
d_00: @00:00:01.016316  [Central] : MTU exchange addr CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random) conn 0 successful
d_00: @00:00:01.027863  [Central] : Discovering peer CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random) primary service
d_01: @00:00:01.116149  [Peripheral] : Service Characteristic Found
d_00: @00:00:01.116395  [Central] : Primary Service Found
d_01: @00:00:01.216081  [Peripheral] : [SUBSCRIBED] addr DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random)
d_00: @00:00:01.216399  [Central] : Service Characteristic Found
d_00: @00:00:01.316311  [Central] : [SUBSCRIBED] addr CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random) conn 0
d_02: @00:00:01.367206  [Peripheral] : Security for 0x80d3060 changed: 60:5D:FC:C7:1A:F4 (random) level 2
d_02: @00:00:01.377137  [Peripheral] : Discovering peer 60:5D:FC:C7:1A:F4 (random) primary service
d_00: @00:00:01.417400  [Central] : Security for conn (1) @ 0x80d3218 changed: 68:11:15:89:AB:56 (random) level 2
d_00: @00:00:01.427033  [Central] : Updating MTU for DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random)...
d_02: @00:00:01.517229  [Peripheral] : Updated MTU: TX: 247 RX: 247 bytes
d_02: @00:00:01.517229  [Peripheral] : Updating MTU succeeded DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random)
d_02: @00:00:01.567237  [Peripheral] : Primary Service Found
d_00: @00:00:01.567476  [Central] : Updated MTU: TX: 247 RX: 247 bytes
d_00: @00:00:01.567476  [Central] : MTU exchange addr DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random) conn 1 successful
d_00: @00:00:01.586701  [Central] : Discovering peer DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random) primary service
d_02: @00:00:01.667309  [Peripheral] : Service Characteristic Found
d_00: @00:00:01.667556  [Central] : Primary Service Found
d_02: @00:00:01.767241  [Peripheral] : [SUBSCRIBED] addr DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random)
d_00: @00:00:01.767560  [Central] : Service Characteristic Found
d_00: @00:00:01.867473  [Central] : [SUBSCRIBED] addr DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random) conn 1
d_00: @00:00:02.968305  [Central] : [NOTIFICATION] addr DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random) conn 1 data cnt:0 DD:D1 length 220 cnt 0
d_00: @00:00:05.867493  [Central] : LE conn param req: DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random) int (0x0018 (~30 ms), 0x0028 (~50 ms)) lat 0 to 42
d_00: @00:00:05.867493  [Central] : Updating DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random)... connection parameters
d_00: @00:00:05.867493  [Central] : Updating connection parameters succeeded DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random)
d_02: @00:00:05.917214  [Peripheral] : LE conn param updated: DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random) int 0x0028 (~50 ms) lat 0 to 400
d_02: @00:00:05.917714  [Peripheral] : LE conn param req: DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random) int (0x000a (~12 ms), 0x001e (~37 ms)) lat 0 to 400
d_00: @00:00:06.315339  [Central] : LE conn param updated: DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random) int 0x001e (~37 ms) lat 0 to 400
d_02: @00:00:06.315278  [Peripheral] : LE conn param updated: DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random) int 0x001e (~37 ms) lat 0 to 400
d_00: @00:00:06.367267  [Central] : [NOTIFICATION] addr CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random) conn 0 data cnt:0 CB:04 length 220 cnt 0
d_00: @00:00:06.370763  [Central] : LE conn param req: CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random) int (0x0018 (~30 ms), 0x0028 (~50 ms)) lat 0 to 42
d_00: @00:00:06.370763  [Central] : Updating CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random)... connection parameters
d_00: @00:00:06.370763  [Central] : Updating connection parameters succeeded CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random)
d_01: @00:00:06.372453  [Peripheral] : [NOTIFICATION] addr DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random) conn 0x80d3060 data cnt:0 length 220 cnt 0
d_02: @00:00:06.396384  [Peripheral] : [NOTIFICATION] addr DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random) conn 0x80d3060 data cnt:0 length 220 cnt 0
d_01: @00:00:06.420598  [Peripheral] : LE conn param updated: DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random) int 0x0028 (~50 ms) lat 0 to 400
d_01: @00:00:06.421098  [Peripheral] : LE conn param req: DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random) int (0x000a (~12 ms), 0x001e (~37 ms)) lat 0 to 400
d_01: @00:00:06.814118  [Peripheral] : LE conn param updated: DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random) int 0x001e (~37 ms) lat 0 to 400
d_00: @00:00:06.814179  [Central] : LE conn param updated: CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random) int 0x001e (~37 ms) lat 0 to 400
d_00: @00:00:28.893348  [Central] : [NOTIFICATION] addr DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random) conn 1 data cnt:100 DD:D1 length 220 cnt 100
d_00: @00:00:31.567310  [Central] : [NOTIFICATION] addr CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random) conn 0 data cnt:100 CB:04 length 220 cnt 100
d_01: @00:00:31.571148  [Peripheral] : [NOTIFICATION] addr DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random) conn 0x80d3060 data cnt:100 length 220 cnt 100
d_02: @00:00:32.346384  [Peripheral] : [NOTIFICATION] addr DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random) conn 0x80d3060 data cnt:100 length 220 cnt 100
d_00: @00:00:54.843348  [Central] : [NOTIFICATION] addr DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random) conn 1 data cnt:200 DD:D1 length 220 cnt 200
d_00: @00:00:57.517310  [Central] : [NOTIFICATION] addr CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random) conn 0 data cnt:200 CB:04 length 220 cnt 200
d_01: @00:00:57.521148  [Peripheral] : [NOTIFICATION] addr DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random) conn 0x80d3060 data cnt:200 length 220 cnt 200
d_02: @00:00:58.296384  [Peripheral] : [NOTIFICATION] addr DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random) conn 0x80d3060 data cnt:200 length 220 cnt 200
d_01: @00:01:09.974488  [Peripheral] : [UNSUBSCRIBED] addr DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random)
d_01: @00:01:10.041104  [Peripheral] : [UNSUBSCRIBED]
d_00: @00:01:10.078764  [Central] disconnected:474 : Connection (0) @ 0x80d3160 with Peer CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random) terminated (reason 0x15)
d_01: @00:01:10.078765  [Peripheral] disconnected:88 : Connection @ 0x80d3060 with Peer DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random) terminated (reason 0x16)
d_00: @00:01:10.303823  [Central] : Scanning successfully started
d_00: @00:01:10.391499  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:10.391499  [Central] : [DEVICE]: CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random), AD evt type 0, AD data len 3, RSSI -35
d_00: @00:01:10.391499  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:10.392255  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:10.392255  [Central] : [DEVICE]: CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random), AD evt type 4, AD data len 19, RSSI -35
d_00: @00:01:10.392255  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:10.392255  [Central] : Device name : Zephyr Peripheral
d_00: @00:01:10.392256  [Central] : Scanning successfully stopped
d_00: @00:01:10.392256  [Central] : Connecting to CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random)
d_02: @00:01:10.712952  [Peripheral] : [UNSUBSCRIBED] addr DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random)
d_02: @00:01:10.817265  [Peripheral] : [UNSUBSCRIBED]
d_00: @00:01:10.854923  [Central] disconnected:474 : Connection (1) @ 0x80d3218 with Peer DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random) terminated (reason 0x15)
d_02: @00:01:10.854925  [Peripheral] disconnected:88 : Connection @ 0x80d3060 with Peer DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random) terminated (reason 0x16)
d_00: @00:01:13.387392  [Central] connected:417 : Failed to connect to CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random) (2)
d_00: @00:01:13.606934  [Central] : Scanning successfully started
d_00: @00:01:13.809163  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:13.809163  [Central] : [DEVICE]: DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random), AD evt type 0, AD data len 3, RSSI -35
d_00: @00:01:13.809163  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:13.809919  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:13.809919  [Central] : [DEVICE]: DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random), AD evt type 4, AD data len 19, RSSI -35
d_00: @00:01:13.809919  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:13.809919  [Central] : Device name : Zephyr Peripheral
d_00: @00:01:13.809920  [Central] : Scanning successfully stopped
d_00: @00:01:13.809920  [Central] : Connecting to DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random)
d_02: @00:01:13.913486  [Peripheral] : Updated MTU: TX: 23 RX: 23 bytes
d_02: @00:01:13.914694  [Peripheral] : Connection 0x80d3060 established : DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random)
d_00: @00:01:13.913483  [Central] : Updated MTU: TX: 23 RX: 23 bytes
d_00: @00:01:13.913483  [Central] : Connection 0x80d3160 established : DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random)
d_00: @00:01:13.913483  [Central] : Active connections count : 1
d_00: @00:01:13.913483  [Central] : Connection reference store index 1
d_00: @00:01:13.971586  [Central] : [UNSUBSCRIBED] addr DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random)
d_02: @00:01:14.071252  [Peripheral] : Security for 0x80d3060 changed: DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random) level 2
d_02: @00:01:14.085938  [Peripheral] : Discovering peer DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random) primary service
d_00: @00:01:14.121483  [Central] : Security for conn (1) @ 0x80d3160 changed: DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random) level 2
d_00: @00:01:14.135834  [Central] : Scanning successfully started
d_00: @00:01:14.135834  [Central] : Updating MTU for DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random)...
d_00: @00:01:14.188466  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:14.188466  [Central] : [DEVICE]: CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random), AD evt type 0, AD data len 3, RSSI -35
d_00: @00:01:14.188466  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:14.189222  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:14.189222  [Central] : [DEVICE]: CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random), AD evt type 4, AD data len 19, RSSI -35
d_00: @00:01:14.189222  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:14.189222  [Central] : Device name : Zephyr Peripheral
d_00: @00:01:14.189223  [Central] : Scanning successfully stopped
d_00: @00:01:14.189223  [Central] : Connecting to CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random)
d_02: @00:01:14.271300  [Peripheral] : Updated MTU: TX: 247 RX: 247 bytes
d_02: @00:01:14.271300  [Peripheral] : Updating MTU succeeded DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random)
d_02: @00:01:14.421316  [Peripheral] : Primary Service Found
d_00: @00:01:14.421634  [Central] : Updated MTU: TX: 247 RX: 247 bytes
d_00: @00:01:14.421634  [Central] : MTU exchange addr DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random) conn 1 successful
d_00: @00:01:14.435212  [Central] : Discovering peer DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random) primary service
d_02: @00:01:14.621295  [Peripheral] : Service Characteristic Found
d_00: @00:01:14.771418  [Central] : Primary Service Found
d_02: @00:01:14.871675  [Peripheral] : [SUBSCRIBED] addr DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random)
d_00: @00:01:14.871993  [Central] : Service Characteristic Found
d_00: @00:01:15.121458  [Central] : [SUBSCRIBED] addr DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random) conn 1
d_00: @00:01:15.122770  [Central] : [NOTIFICATION] addr DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random) conn 1 data cnt:0 DD:D1 length 220 cnt 0
d_02: @00:01:16.075327  [Peripheral] : [NOTIFICATION] addr DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random) conn 0x80d3060 data cnt:0 length 220 cnt 0
d_00: @00:01:17.189485  [Central] connected:417 : Failed to connect to CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random) (2)
d_00: @00:01:17.419007  [Central] : Scanning successfully started
d_00: @00:01:17.547687  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:17.547687  [Central] : [DEVICE]: CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random), AD evt type 0, AD data len 3, RSSI -35
d_00: @00:01:17.547687  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:17.548443  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:17.548443  [Central] : [DEVICE]: CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random), AD evt type 4, AD data len 19, RSSI -35
d_00: @00:01:17.548443  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:17.548443  [Central] : Device name : Zephyr Peripheral
d_00: @00:01:17.548444  [Central] : Scanning successfully stopped
d_00: @00:01:17.548444  [Central] : Connecting to CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random)
d_00: @00:01:18.971478  [Central] : LE conn param req: DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random) int (0x0018 (~30 ms), 0x0028 (~50 ms)) lat 0 to 42
d_00: @00:01:18.971478  [Central] : Updating DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random)... connection parameters
d_00: @00:01:18.971478  [Central] : Updating connection parameters succeeded DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random)
d_02: @00:01:19.071200  [Peripheral] : LE conn param updated: DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random) int 0x0028 (~50 ms) lat 0 to 400
d_02: @00:01:19.072624  [Peripheral] : LE conn param req: DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random) int (0x000a (~12 ms), 0x001e (~37 ms)) lat 0 to 400
d_02: @00:01:19.569275  [Peripheral] : LE conn param updated: DE:CD:A2:21:EE:22 (random) int 0x001e (~37 ms) lat 0 to 400
d_00: @00:01:19.569306  [Central] : LE conn param updated: DD:D1:7D:F0:5F:33 (random) int 0x001e (~37 ms) lat 0 to 400
d_00: @00:01:20.542512  [Central] connected:417 : Failed to connect to CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random) (2)
d_00: @00:01:20.762055  [Central] : Scanning successfully started
d_00: @00:01:21.025411  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:21.025411  [Central] : [DEVICE]: CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random), AD evt type 0, AD data len 3, RSSI -35
d_00: @00:01:21.025411  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:21.026167  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:21.026167  [Central] : [DEVICE]: CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random), AD evt type 4, AD data len 19, RSSI -35
d_00: @00:01:21.026167  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:21.026167  [Central] : Device name : Zephyr Peripheral
d_00: @00:01:21.026168  [Central] : Scanning successfully stopped
d_00: @00:01:21.026168  [Central] : Connecting to CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random)
d_00: @00:01:24.025270  [Central] connected:417 : Failed to connect to CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random) (2)
d_00: @00:01:24.244813  [Central] : Scanning successfully started
d_00: @00:01:24.403552  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:24.403552  [Central] : [DEVICE]: CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random), AD evt type 0, AD data len 3, RSSI -35
d_00: @00:01:24.403552  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:24.404308  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:24.404308  [Central] : [DEVICE]: CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random), AD evt type 4, AD data len 19, RSSI -35
d_00: @00:01:24.404308  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:24.404308  [Central] : Device name : Zephyr Peripheral
d_00: @00:01:24.404309  [Central] : Scanning successfully stopped
d_00: @00:01:24.404309  [Central] : Connecting to CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random)
d_00: @00:01:27.398256  [Central] connected:417 : Failed to connect to CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random) (2)
d_00: @00:01:27.627778  [Central] : Scanning successfully started
d_00: @00:01:27.651112  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:27.651112  [Central] : [DEVICE]: CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random), AD evt type 0, AD data len 3, RSSI -35
d_00: @00:01:27.651112  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:27.651868  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:27.651868  [Central] : [DEVICE]: CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random), AD evt type 4, AD data len 19, RSSI -35
d_00: @00:01:27.651868  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:27.651868  [Central] : Device name : Zephyr Peripheral
d_00: @00:01:27.651869  [Central] : Scanning successfully stopped
d_00: @00:01:27.651869  [Central] : Connecting to CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random)
d_00: @00:01:30.651491  [Central] connected:417 : Failed to connect to CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random) (2)
d_00: @00:01:30.871033  [Central] : Scanning successfully started
d_00: @00:01:30.920552  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:30.920552  [Central] : [DEVICE]: CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random), AD evt type 0, AD data len 3, RSSI -35
d_00: @00:01:30.920552  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:30.921308  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:30.921308  [Central] : [DEVICE]: CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random), AD evt type 4, AD data len 19, RSSI -35
d_00: @00:01:30.921308  [Central] : ------------------------------------------------------
d_00: @00:01:30.921308  [Central] : Device name : Zephyr Peripheral
d_00: @00:01:30.921309  [Central] : Scanning successfully stopped
d_00: @00:01:30.921309  [Central] : Connecting to CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random)
d_00: @00:01:33.924684  [Central] connected:417 : Failed to connect to CB:04:A6:15:1F:50 (random) (2)
jori-nordic commented 1 year ago

doesn't happen anymore after rebasing on today's main.