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sample: sensor: veml7700: Added sample for veml7700 #69497

Closed golmanoj closed 2 weeks ago

golmanoj commented 3 months ago

This sample application reads the ALS value at specified period

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Hello @golmanoj, and thank you very much for your first pull request to the Zephyr project! Our Continuous Integration pipeline will execute a series of checks on your Pull Request commit messages and code, and you are expected to address any failures by updating the PR. Please take a look at our commit message guidelines to find out how to format your commit messages, and at our contribution workflow to understand how to update your Pull Request. If you haven't already, please make sure to review the project's Contributor Expectations and update (by amending and force-pushing the commits) your pull request if necessary. If you are stuck or need help please join us on Discord and ask your question there. Additionally, you can escalate the review when applicable. 😊

kartben commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the PR! We don't recommend having code samples for "generic" sensors, as people can simply use e.g. the sensor_shell sample to test the sensor. I would recommend to either drop this PR, or update it so that it effectively uses some of the stuff that's specific to the veml7700, ex. display white raw counts, or show how to configure the gain.

kartben commented 2 months ago

@golmanoj are you planning to revisit this PR as per the feedback in my previous comment? Please let me know if you have questions!

kartben commented 4 weeks ago

@golmanoj ping :)