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Bluetooth: `BT_HCI_EVT_DATA_BUF_OVERFLOW` is unhandled #70495

Open alwa-nordic opened 8 months ago

alwa-nordic commented 8 months ago

The handler exists, but it just prints a warning.


Deficiencies to address:

jeffwelder-ellenbytech commented 1 month ago

Hitting this log message in my application.

We're using an nRF53 central/peripheral with LL_SW_SPLIT (mitigating missing disconnect issue in softdevice), and have come across this after a prolonged connections coming and going.

As a possible mitigation we added:

    LOG_WRN("Data buffer overflow (link type 0x%02x)", evt->link_type);
    // https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/issues/70495
    BT_ASSERT_MSG(false, "Data buffer overflow (link type 0x%02x)", evt->link_type);