zernonia / simple-log

SimpleLog - Event tracking all in 1 place! Free & Open Source
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Maybe prefix API endpoints #8

Open cpreston321 opened 2 years ago

cpreston321 commented 2 years ago

Since you want integration to happen I'm not for sure the best way to handle it but you could possibly create endpoints that prefix supabase endpoints within the app so then you can create more like a plug and play of different integrations.

Just an Idea! Also maybe include discussions within the repo so I can add some more Idea's instead of adding them to issues :)

zernonia commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the idea! But could you give an example of API endpoint prefix? Currently in we have /api/v1/supabase/${tokenId}, do you mean somehting similar?

cpreston321 commented 2 years ago

Correct! @zernonia but if you want a more plug and play integration system I was thinking more like /api/v1/${provider}/${token} then you can route the provider to something more like a plugin system that you can model out in Typescript that you model from. Like how nuxt does definePlugin() or defineNuxt(). Just an idea for the future!

zernonia commented 2 years ago

Good idea! 👍🏻 But unfortunately @cpreston321 , I'm so tired with all the drama saying this is a copycat product.. and I doesn't wish to continue developing this anymore. Even after I changed the design of the app, there's still people accusing it.

Nonetheless, I will write out the 'host it yourself' docs 🥲

cpreston321 commented 2 years ago

Don't let people de-motivate you man. I have made app 10% better and creates competition and more. You got this. Just do you and make a product you want to see come to life you will always have haters.... @zernonia.

I'll support you!

cpreston321 commented 2 years ago

I think this product have a lot of potential just needs some work to make it come to life.

cpreston321 commented 2 years ago

Also this is an Open Source vs non open source. I like the idea of products being open source. You can also just say this is more of an "Open Source Alternative". This gives the developers the power to do anything that their heart desires.