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Christmas #35

Open deanturpin opened 7 years ago

deanturpin commented 7 years ago

There is no way to say this without being a party pooper but Christmas is a zero waste write-off. Christmas is the antithesis of the zero waste ideal: zenith/nadir

If zero waste is the ... Christmas is water from a place with purportedly better water than our perfectly fine water packed in plastic bottles with plastic labels that are vacuum packed for no proper reason whatsoever. Most of it is waste.

It's a nightmare. It's worse than a nightmare.

with all the unnecessary packing and plastic tat.

It's actually the first year we've bought a tree that's alive. A bay tree, in fact. Rather than paying £50 to uproot something and slowly watch it die over the course of a few weeks. Only to be dragged to the tree graveyard in the New Year.

Note the plastic lights that we immediately regretted buying as we unwrapped the plastic packaging they came in.

Mountains of excess food, everything is wrapped in something, we buy presents hoping that they will be used.

On first inspection perhaps playing on an iPad is more environmentally sound than playing with a plastic toy that will last forever. Although, I suppose much of the iPad will too. Wooden toys must be the answer! Made from salvaged timber of course.

The endless cycle of excess, the bottles of wine, the daily walk of shame to the communal recycling bin, the painkillers in blister packs... and then it's New Year's Eve. One more final release before we pledge to be better, healthy humans for up to a month.

deanturpin commented 7 years ago

@fnxweb said:

... live Christmas trees have been proven to be a net gain for the environment, with the guarantee they give for green land, presuming they get mulched for recycling properly. Certainly better than plastic trees given their production [environmental] cost and lifespan. Don't think anyone's compared them to bushes, though. [D-Bo] still uses the same tree from his garden each year, burying it in its pot in the new year till next Christmas... Dunno how long he gets out of each tree before it's too big!