zero01101 / openOutpaint

local offline javascript and html canvas outpainting gizmo for stable diffusion webUI API 🐠
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[Bug]: Prompt working but when accepting picture, it only keeps the area it was looking for and cut the rest of the image outside the box. #270

Closed Ralph224 closed 7 months ago

Ralph224 commented 8 months ago

Is ths issue about the extension?

What happened?

Everything used to work since this weekend. No update on my end on the webui/installation.

I select an image that I import from PNG Info and then SEND TO OPENOUTPAINT. From there, I would select an area where I want to extend the image. Usually a 512x512 area with some of the area being of the existing image. Set my prompt and search...

When I have the results, I used to APPROVE one of them and carry on. However, the issue I have now is that when I approve, only the 512x512 stays in the Openoutpaint canvas. The rest of the picture disappear.

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. Go to ....
  2. Press ....
  3. ... [etc]

What should have happened?

When I approve, the 512x512 image should stay there AND the rest of the image in Openoutpaint that I want to extend.

Commit where the problem happens


What platforms do you use to access openOutpaint?


What browsers do you use to access the UI ?

Mozilla Firefox

Browser Extensions/Addons


AUTOMATIC1111 webUI Commandline Arguments

@echo off

set PYTHON= set GIT= set VENV_DIR= set COMMANDLINE_ARGS= --deepdanbooru --xformers --api set "REQS_FILE=.\extensions\sd_dreambooth_extension\requirements.txt" set "DREAMBOOTH_SKIP_INSTALL=True"

call webui.bat

Additional information


zero01101 commented 8 months ago

disclaimer: apologies for the extended delay, my brain is terrible and you shouldn't expect much from me)

i'm completely unable to reproduce this; you're saying that after you send an image from the extras tab and place it on the openOutpaint canvas, then try to outpaint using it with a region other than 512^2, it only renders a 512^2 area after selection/confirmation? could you possibly get a screen capture video of this happening?

also try enabling debug mode under the debug info tab when you try to outpaint, see if the submitted image/mask are the wrong size somehow...

ahgsql commented 8 months ago

same for me, only newly generated image stays, rest is gone

ProfKaput commented 8 months ago

This happens to me too. When using Dream or Img2Img, when accepting the result (clicking Y), the area outside of the rectangle that was selected disappears. One can work around it by adding a new image layer and running Dream/Img2Img there, but if one tries to merge the image layers the "outside" area disappears again. Happens in Chrome and Edge for me, but not in Firefox. I suspect that it's a browser update that caused this, as it seemingly suddenly started happening without a change to openOutpaint ...

Balerion300 commented 8 months ago

I just noticed that there's a separate repository for the webui extension. I put in a similar report 2 days ago in the general openOutpaint (my bad), and have the same results, re: Chrome and Edge. I agree it's probably a browser issue.

Krader13 commented 8 months ago

Same here. It used to work for me, but recently started to do this in Chrome. I can get the missing image data back if I select back history, then select the latest history and it pulls it all back together, but definitely a new issue.

bkrew commented 8 months ago

I can add eventually some extra info, for me it works on Firefox, Edge and Brave don´t work, Screenshot (12) Screenshot (13) Screenshot (14)

zero01101 commented 8 months ago

more disclaimer: i warned you my brain is terrible and you shouldn't expect much from me lol

confirmed misery on chrome/edge/chromium-based browsers regarding single-laryer content removal - current workaround is to ensure new layer per dream option is enabled in settings. layer merging failure is likely related to same new "feature" but i'm not smart enough to know how to fix it yet...

zero01101 commented 8 months ago

moved to main openOutpaint repo even though original issue was indeed extension-specific via send-to button, this is obviously a chromium vs base openOutpaint grumbling

zero01101 commented 7 months ago

probably should've closed as duplicate of a while ago... continuing there

zero01101 commented 7 months ago

closing for real this time

zero01101 commented 7 months ago

seems chromium upstream is really seeming to be the culprit here; if anyone still affected could confirm the findings in that'd be awesome :)