zeroasterisk / MeteorRider

PhoneGap/Cordova + Meteor integration approach "DOM hijacking", telling PhoneGap where to get content from, letting Meteor hijack your PhoneGap app's HTML/CSS/JS
MIT License
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Cordova plugins not activated on ios #36

Open mstn opened 10 years ago

mstn commented 10 years ago

I have a MeteorRider app that works in an Android wrapper. However, iOS has some issues. I do not know if it depends on MeteorRider. Anyway this is the problem.

There are some cordova plugins installed with the app.

However, not every plugin is always loaded.

For example,

thanks in advance Marco

EDIT The problem seems related to the geolocation plugin. If I remove this plugin, everything works fine. But the message "this app is using your position" is prompted twice. Is it related to #12?