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Gig Mkpl Dispute Process #8

Open xyzerobtc opened 4 weeks ago

xyzerobtc commented 4 weeks ago

Gig Marketplace Dispute Process on Cerulean Testnet



Creators, operating pseudonymously, can engage in gigs in a trustless and permissionless manner. Once a gig is completed, the client has three options to confirm the completion of the gig on the Cerulean marketplace on the testnet:

  1. Agree 100%: Full payment to the creator.
  2. Agree 75%, 25% back to the client: Partial payment with a small portion returned to the client, including a dispute resolution fee.
  3. Agree 50%, 50% back to the client: Equal split of the payment between the creator and the client, including a dispute resolution fee.

Dispute Resolution Process:

When a gig is disputed, the Core DAO team intervenes to review the completion status and determine the final outcome based on the following resolution options:

  1. 75/25 Split: If the work is mostly satisfactory but with minor issues, 75% of the payment goes to the creator and 25% is returned to the client.
  2. 50/50 Split: If the work is partially satisfactory, the payment is split equally between the creator and the client.
  3. 0% Payment: If the work is deemed unsatisfactory, no payment is made to the creator, and the client is fully refunded.

The Core DAO team’s decision is final and aims to ensure fair resolution based on the quality and completeness of the delivered work.

xyzerobtc commented 4 weeks ago

screenshot of process

This outlines the scope of work for the testing system project. The primary objective is to ensure the quality, reliability, and performance of the system through comprehensive testing procedures.

xyzerobtc commented 4 weeks ago
xyzerobtc commented 4 weeks ago
xyzerobtc commented 4 weeks ago

2Xyzero.btc sent a gig request. create-gig [lock collateral in clarity smart contract]

xyzerobtc commented 4 weeks ago
xyzerobtc commented 4 weeks ago

Pending work requests you sent to collaborate; [i am the client, and i can see the gig request i sent] wallet connected for 2xyzero;

xyzerobtc commented 4 weeks ago

tx has confirmed on the stacks blockchain - we now have a gig-id

xyzerobtc commented 4 weeks ago

connecting wallet for Xyzero.btc

xyzerobtc commented 4 weeks ago

Pending offers submitted to you to collaborate

xyzerobtc commented 4 weeks ago

Xyzero.btc is going to accept

xyzerobtc commented 4 weeks ago
xyzerobtc commented 4 weeks ago
xyzerobtc commented 4 weeks ago

Xyzero.btc accepted gig request


xyzerobtc commented 4 weeks ago

2xyzero to mark gig complete

xyzerobtc commented 4 weeks ago


xyzerobtc commented 4 weeks ago

2xyzero selected "agree 50%"

xyzerobtc commented 4 weeks ago

Xyzero.btc to review final gig offer and completion

xyzerobtc commented 4 weeks ago

2xyzero satisfaction-vote-gig-as-client

xyzerobtc commented 4 weeks ago

xyzero shows disputed

xyzerobtc commented 4 weeks ago

xyzero can accept or reject disputed gig claim

xyzerobtc commented 4 weeks ago

xyzero rejected disputed gig claim, goes to DAO core for final review

xyzerobtc commented 4 weeks ago

xyzero satisfaction-acceptance-as-artist

xyzerobtc commented 4 weeks ago

DAO core reviews - admin button

xyzerobtc commented 4 weeks ago

DAO core reviews complete then select client or creator to be awarded.

xyzerobtc commented 3 weeks ago

in the gig process there are a few important dates:

gig request (by client) gig accepted (by creator) gig marked complete (by client)

start date (entered by client) when gig accepted start date (by creator) end date (entered by client)

if client does not mark gig complete, 14 days after 'end date' the creator can redeem funds if creator never accepts gig, client can redeem funds 14 days after 'start date'

xyzerobtc commented 3 weeks ago

Final result. DAO Governance reviewers to elect final result. 100% 75/25 50 25/75
