zerobias / telegram-mtproto

Telegram client api (MTProto) library
MIT License
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Error requiring telegram-mtproto #192

Closed J1herm closed 5 years ago

J1herm commented 6 years ago

Im new to node js and new to trying to develop anything related to telegram, I was looking at the init.js file and tried to implement that, But for some reason I seem to be getting an error on this line

const { MTProto } = require('telegram-mtproto')

the error I am getting is

throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE('value', `>= ${min} and <= ${max}`, value);^
RangeError [ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE]: The value of "value" is out of range. It must      
>= 0 and <= 4294967295. Received -2083955988

why would this be happening? I get that this may be more of a question than an issue, just not sure how to flag as question (new to github)

peoro commented 6 years ago

Install this module using:

npm install --save telegram-mtproto@beta