zerobias / telegram-mtproto

Telegram client api (MTProto) library
MIT License
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messages.readHistory for inputPeerChannel gives Error #233

Closed ktjd123 closed 5 years ago

ktjd123 commented 5 years ago

it gives

  code: 400,
  type: 'PEER_ID_INVALID',
  description: 'CODE#400 PEER_ID_INVALID',
   { _: 'rpc_error',
     error_code: 400,
     error_message: 'PEER_ID_INVALID' } }

with code

const result = await client('messages.readHistory', {
          peer: {
            _: 'inputPeerChannel',
            access_hash: chat.access_hash,

the chat is

{ _: 'channel',
    flags: 8224,
    broadcast: true,
    id: 1291950877,
    access_hash: '4465708409427907391',
    title: '채널채널',
    photo: { _: 'chatPhotoEmpty' },
    date: 1560322076,
    version: 0 },