zerocurrencycoin / Zero

Zero Currency Blockchain Project
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Blockchain Tools #22

Open tearodactyl opened 5 years ago

tearodactyl commented 5 years ago

Blockchain management would benefit from better tools, starting with improved visibility.

A total view of the network, a simple and hopefully automated method for tracking on the daily or even hourly basis the hash rates and the version adoption would be useful.

In weeks prior to a fork a good understanding of the ownership and control of all the nodes on the network becomes very important, not only the IP addresses and adoption of the software versions, but specifically which ones are the mining pools and exchanges.

Blockchain-based attacks are visible by significant changes in block production, their origin, rate and distribution. 51% attacks involve deep blockchain reorganizations and disproportionally large transactions before, during, and after the reorg. Noting and alerting participants to such situations is essential.

IPs of the nodes that initially relayed transactions can be stored by friendly nodes. Recording all blocks, particularly the ones that were orphaned by a reorg, may help forensics.

Noting accidental forks would be a good idea and having tools and processes to deal with such situations may come in useful.

ghost commented 5 years ago - Adoption Rate for network which is how the last update was monitored (Qaanaaq:1.0.12 & Longyearbyen:1.0.14) - Block Size / Block Interval / Difficulty / Mining Revenue / these are all tracked via insight. - 100 ZER or more is tracked and held as a record on the explorer for 3 days.

I feel we should be noting down hashrate at certain intervals eachday to gain a better grasp on the overall network hashrate & growth.

tearodactyl commented 5 years ago

Such tools should provide visibility and alerts in case of #21 and perhaps automate tracking #17, #12 , #10

ghost commented 5 years ago - Pool Hashrates