I have observed that every contract account created by KernelFactory utilizes low-level EVM code to instantiate a proxy instance. I am looking to verify each abstract account contract in my explorer, such as Blockcout. However, I am encountering difficulties due to the absence of proxy source code, with only EVM code available, making verification impossible.
I have observed that every contract account created by KernelFactory utilizes low-level EVM code to instantiate a proxy instance. I am looking to verify each abstract account contract in my explorer, such as Blockcout. However, I am encountering difficulties due to the absence of proxy source code, with only EVM code available, making verification impossible.
I am interested in verifying contract accounts similar to this one: https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/address/0xc354BaCeB91E185dfeb4a1cA377F85CDE15b4097#code
Could anyone provide guidance on how to proceed with the verification of such contract accounts?