zeroflag / punyforth

Forth inspired programming language for the ESP8266
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tcp-rpl "library" , is hanging punyforth , what can be wrong #28

Closed enriquepinedo closed 6 years ago

enriquepinedo commented 6 years ago

Dear Attila,

I am triying to make REPL (tcp-rpl library ) function work.

Punyforth is finally comunicating fine trough the usb and I was able to test some GP-IO tasks without problems.

Now I am following your example of "Running punyforth from a power outlet" to redirect all in-out from the net , and be able to download new words from a wifi link. (please note I am doing all this from Windows, I only needed Linux to create the first "core.forth" , from them on I coninued flashing the ESP8266 from the windows flashing utility)

For this example( Sonoff "smart socket") , we need 1) gpio.forth \ ok, it did work then 2) tcp-repl.forth which apparently requires to install first "netcon.forth" and "mailbox.forth"

My problems seem to be with "netcon.forth" :

we have this problem that will not compile see (**)

: netcon-new ( type -- netcon | throws:ENETCON ) override netcon-new \ <--- ** this is an autoreference ? dup 0= if ENETCON throw then RECV_TIMEOUT_MSEC over netcon-set-recvtimeout ;

I really do not know were the problem is in netcon.forth but, when I try to install those needed files to get tcp-repl working , it allways hangs the system. I get into infinte resets and reboots.

I am thanking in advance for your help.

Regards Enrique

** can I comment out "override netcon-new" ?

enriquepinedo commented 6 years ago

This are the messages I get ... (it makes no sense, since I have downloaded all the dependencies, gpio, wifi-forth , tcp-rcpl forth, and anything in between....

pm_task_hdl : 3fff8758, prio:1, stack:176 frc2_timer_task_hdl:3fffb328, prio:12, stack:200

ESP-Open-SDK ver: 0.0.1 compiled @ May 18 2016 18:24:52 phy ver: 273, pp ver: 8.3

Punyforth loading.. mode : sta(18:fe:34:e1:2e:f7) add if0 scandone add 0 aid 5 cnt

connected with TP-LINK_E565B8, channel 4 dhcp client start... ip:,mask:,gw:

Undefined word: mailbox:

Undefined word: task:

Undefined word: task:

Undefined word: activate

Undefined word: netcon-tcp-server

Undefined word: connections

Undefined word: deactivate

Undefined word: command-loop

Undefined word: netcon-readln

Undefined word: activate

Undefined word: connections

Undefined word: command-loop

Undefined word: netcon-dispose

Undefined word: deactivate

Undefined word: repl-start

Undefined word: multi

Undefined word: repl-server-task

Undefined word: repl-worker-task

Undefined word: traceback Fatal exception (29): epc1=0x40239a18 epc2=0x00000000 epc3=0x4023980b excvaddr=0x00000008 depc=0x00000000 excsave1=0x40213374 Registers: a0 40213374 a1 3fffbe70 a2 0000000a a3 3fffc318 a4 00000009 a5 000000fd a6 0000007f a7 60000000 a8 00000008 a9 3ffe920c a10 ffffffff a11 3ffe882c a12 00000000 a13 3ffee9f8 SAR 0000001e

Stack: SP=0x3fffbe70 0x3fffbe70: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x3fffbe80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 a5a5a5a5 0x3fffbe90: e12edb34 0000005c 3fffbe20 e1815fed 0x3fffbea0: 3fff7128 3fff7128 3fffbe98 3fff7120 0x3fffbeb0: 0000000d ec31493c e550588b 3fffbe98 0x3fffbec0: 00000000 00000002 3fffb490 796e7570 0x3fffbed0: 74726f66 7ef00068 0077dd48 00000002 0x3fffbee0: 00000000 00000000 b0a7c100 04b2780e

Free Heap: 12712 _heap_start 0x3fff78e8 brk 0x3fffcc44 supervisor sp 0x3ffffb00 sp-brk 11964 bytes arena (total_size) 21340 fordblks (free_size) 748 uordblocks (used_size) 20592

ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,7)

load 0x40100000, len 2292, room 16 tail 4 chksum 0x57 load 0x3ffe8000, len 772, room 4 tail 0 chksum 0x0b csum 0x0b

rBoot v1.4.0 - Flash Size: 32 Mbit Flash Mode: DIO Flash Speed: 40 MHz rBoot Option: Big flash rBoot Option: RTC data

zeroflag commented 6 years ago

Hi Enrique,

Could you describe how excatly do you flash the code to the esp step by step? The error message indicates that the mailbox: word which is located in mailbox.forth and requires by netcon is not defined. If you use the tools and scipts like, correctly then this should not happen.

This is correct forth code, netcon-new is defined in terms of its older definition. See the override word in the readme.

: netcon-new ( type -- netcon | throws:ENETCON ) override 
  netcon-new dup 0= if ENETCON throw then 
  RECV_TIMEOUT_MSEC over netcon-set-recvtimeout ;
enriquepinedo commented 6 years ago

Hi Attila ! I did find what was wrong. I am still learning punyforth differences... because your forth has some words that I do not know and are not standard F83. F. ex. override, so I thought in first case it was some corrupted file I was compiling in tcp-rcpl . Ok now I see override is an immediate word.
I was also confused looking at the word "words" , I did even lost a lot of time compiling one for myself it took a lot of time and was also running wrong and throwing trash in the stack, all without knowing that "words" was allready there and you called it "help " ! I am still in the transition phase , so please have a bit of patience with my questions. I think I will have some more....

I went step by step looking at all the code was missing, and found all the "libraries" wifi ringbuff netcon tasks.... etc etc I placed everything together by hand, (remember I am working from Windows) so I could finally assemble a new ueber.forth and voila ! it did work ! No definition was missing and Punyforth boots normal.

Of course this is all my fault because I am not using Linux, it could be overcomed with the python routines you created.

By the way I am also admiring your excellent work with punyforth. now I am triying to establish connection with Putty... it looks promising.

Best regards Enrique

zeroflag commented 6 years ago

Cool, I'm glad you make it work.

I regularly flash the esp on Windows and it's really not any different or more complicated than doing the same on Linux or Mac.

Open a cmd.exe

cd punyforth/arch/esp8266/bin/
python tcp-repl
flash COM3

and that's it. If you want to flash some additional custom code you can use the following

python --app myapp.forth tcp-repl
flash COM3

(assuming the COM port is COM3)