zeroflag / punyforth

Forth inspired programming language for the ESP8266
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missing further examples of turnkey and save #34

Closed enriquepinedo closed 6 years ago

enriquepinedo commented 6 years ago

Dear Attila, This is the only example we have of turnkey from the dt data logger and there is a flash forth with another turnkey definition and save-loader *from data-logger *** : main ( -- ) log-measurement 600000000 deep-sleep ; ' boot is: main turnkey abort

from falsh.forth : save-loader ( -- ) 0 block drop c 0 row dup heap-size >str dup strlen +
str: ' heap-start ' over 12 cmove 12 + dup dst >str dup strlen +
str: ' read-flash drop boot' swap 22 cmove update flush ;

I triyed to save a forth incrementally (without using any external flash memory) bare bone esp8266 chip. And I failed, it will all the way fall in reboot. It happend the same with turnkey.... I am requesting kindly more examples or explanations of both words and also if there is a way to interact with punyforth test and compile some words incrementally and then make a "SAVE" so the system will preserve the actual dictionary for the next boot cycle for future use and interaction.... do you understand what I mean ?
save would make the same as turnkey except for executing the ' word stored at boot, it will coolstart from the interpreter prompt.

(I am enyoing very much your work, long life to Punyforth ! :)

GerardSontag commented 6 years ago

Enrique, Please reread and try the example. You just need to generate a new uber.forth for your application. Hope this help you.

zeroflag commented 6 years ago

Turnkey is an ongoing expermiment and it is meant to be an optimalization that speeds up startup time. This is only important if you try to power the esp using batteries (with deep sleep) and you don't want to waste power during startup. When you execute turnkey then it'll save the current state of the dictionary in binary form to the flash and it'll also insert a small loading code that reads the dictionary upon startup.

Usually you don't need this. Just follow the link what @GerardSontag mentioned there is the recommended way to save code permanently to the flash.

enriquepinedo commented 6 years ago

Thank you Gerard and Attila !

Yes Gerard of course I am generating a new Ueber-forth with all associated dependencies, (I do this by hand selecting all files, that I copy to the new Ueberforth. This part is not the problem).

The problem arises when I am loading the example of flash.forth to create the new Ueberforth, Punyforth repeatedly reboots It seems there is an error in the code of flash.forth, please if you can check that for me :

0 constant: FLASH_OK 1 constant: FLASH_ERR 2 constant: FLASH_TIMEOUT 3 constant: FLASH_UNKNOWN

( blocks )

exception: EBLOCK 4096 constant: SIZE hex: 51000 init-variable: block0 FALSE init-variable: dirty SIZE buffer: buf variable: offs

: check-err ( code -- | EBLOCK ) dup FLASH_OK <> if print: 'SPI FLASH ERROR: ' . cr EBLOCK throw then drop ;

: >sector ( block# -- sector# ) SIZE / ;

: flush ( -- ) dirty @ if offs @ >sector erase-flash check-err SIZE buf offs @ write-flash check-err FALSE dirty ! then ;

: block ( block# -- addr ) flush SIZE * block0 @ + offs ! SIZE buf offs @ read-flash check-err FALSE dirty ! buf ;

: update ( -- ) TRUE dirty ! ;

( screen editor )

128 constant: COLS 32 constant: ROWS

: row ( y -- addr ) COLS * buf + ; : ch ( y x -- addr ) swap row + ; : type# ( y -- ) dup 10 < if space then . space ;

: list ( block# -- ) block drop ROWS 0 do i type# i row COLS type-counted loop ;

\ editor command: blank row : b ( y -- ) COLS 2 - 0 do 32 over i ch c! loop 13 over COLS 2 - ch c! 10 swap COLS 1- ch c! update ;

: copy-row ( dst-y src-y -- ) COLS 0 do 2dup i ch c@ swap i ch c! loop 2drop ;

\ editor command: delete row : d ( y -- ) ROWS 1- swap do i i 1+ copy-row loop ROWS 1- b ;

\ editor command: clear screen
: c ( -- ) ROWS 0 do i b loop ;

\ editor command: overwrite row : r: ( y "line" -- ) dup b row begin key dup line-break? invert while over c! 1+ repeat 2drop ;

\ editor command: prepends empty row before the given y : p ( y -- ) dup ROWS 1- do i i 1- copy-row -1 +loop b ;

defer: boot
: dst ( -- n ) block0 @ SIZE + ; : heap-size ( -- n ) usedmem align ; : save-loader ( -- ) 0 block drop c 0 row dup heap-size >str dup strlen +
str: ' heap-start ' over 12 cmove 12 + dup dst >str dup strlen +
str: ' read-flash drop boot' swap 22 cmove update flush ;

: turnkey ( -- ) heap-size SIZE / heap-size SIZE % 0> abs + 0 do dst >sector i + erase-flash check-err loop heap-size heap-start dst write-flash check-err save-loader ;

enriquepinedo commented 6 years ago

Hi Attila, I am sending line by line to debug and see what can be wrong, is it possible I am getting out of memory ?

I could advance up to "copy-row" definition, then the system sayd "fatal exception 9" this is the dump of the screen:

(stack 1073673520) .. Fatal exception (9): epc1=0x4023þþs2 epc2=0x 0 epc3=0x402033þo excvaddr=0x4010434s depc=0x 0 excsave1=0x402133$4 Registers: a0 402133$4 a1 3sssf$0 a-2d 2 a-2d 3 a-2d 4a-2d 54a-2d 6ha-2d $a-2d áOa-2d þða-2d ?ÿa-2d  a-2d o

zeroflag commented 6 years ago

@enriquepinedo, you can check the available free dictionary space by typing

freemem . cr

It's possible you've ran out of free space as the available dictionary space is fairly limited (about 24k).