zeroflag / punyforth

Forth inspired programming language for the ESP8266
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Cannot flash Punyforth to ESP8285 with dout #40

Closed cefn closed 6 years ago

cefn commented 6 years ago

Hi there,

I have flashing routines working routinely with the hardware under test, flashing Micropython, Circuitpython Lua(NodeMCU) and Espruino. It is a NodeMCU-M with an ESP8285 (an ESP8266 with 1MB flash) and a CH340 UART.

However, I can't seem to get the punyforth routine to function properly. Is there anything I can try?

I have overridden the mode to 'dout' as normally required when flashing this module, but I still get...

$ python2 --flashmode dout /dev/ttyUSB0
Selected modules: ALL
Flashing binaries..
Flashing 0x0: rboot.bin, 0x1000: blank_config.bin, 0x2000: punyforth.bin

A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to ESP8266
Flashing LAYOUT.tmp

A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to ESP8266
Flashing 0x52000: APP.tmp, 0x53000: CORE.tmp, 0x56000: DHT22.tmp, 0x57000: FLASH.tmp, 0x58000: FONT57.tmp, 0x59000: GPIO.tmp, 0x5a000: MAILBOX.tmp, 0x5b000: NETCON.tmp, 0x5d000: NTP.tmp, 0x5e000: PING.tmp, 0x5f000: SONOFF.tmp, 0x60000: SSD1306I2C.tmp, 0x62000: SSD1306SPI.tmp, 0x64000: TASKS.tmp, 0x65000: TCPREPL.tmp, 0x66000: TURNKEY.tmp, 0x67000: WIFI.tmp, 0x68000: EVENT.tmp, 0x69000: RINGBUF.tmp, 0x6a000: DECOMP.tmp, 0x6b000: PUNIT.tmp

A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to ESP8266
cefn commented 6 years ago

Found a fix. Replacing the in the bin directory of the repo with this one...

...then worked fine.