zerog2k / stc_diyclock

STC DIY Clock redux (STC15F204EA, STC15W404AS, STC15W408AS)
MIT License
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"Waiting for MCU, please cycle power" #28

Closed tmh00 closed 6 years ago

tmh00 commented 6 years ago

Apologies if this is the wrong place for this question, I'm new to Git and this is my first attempt to flash an MCU of any kind.

I am working with the Geekcreit clock from banggood:

My kit came with an STC15W404AS

I'm using this USB-UART adapter:

I'm trying to flash my clock from Raspbian Jessie on a Raspberry Pi 3, using STCGAL. I'm able to build properly, but I'm trying to flash the precompiled <4kb release file, just to be safe.

When I run "STCGALPROT="stc15" make flash," the process is able to detect my adapter, but it hangs on a step saying "Waiting for MCU, please cycle power." I can't seem to find any way to get past this. The clock is clearly getting power from the adapter, as it powers on and works as normal when I connect the GND and 5V pins. I have tried disconnecting and reconnecting the power while at this point, but that doesn't do anything.

Is this expected behavior, and if so, what am I supposed to do to proceed? If not, what could be wrong?

tmh00 commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I just realized there was a closed thread with the same issue. However, my solution ended up being much simpler than the other user's.

After a bunch of tinkering, I realized I simply needed to bounce the connection on the GND line at this stage, and not on the +5V line. I wired up a basic breadboard with a switch on the GND line and I toggle it when I reach the message above. Works perfectly!

zerog2k commented 6 years ago

Congrats on resolution. I have wired up the reset pin on mine to date (also adjusted the reset pin options with stcgal) for frequent development. (Also means I need to open a serial port to activate date to turn the clock on. I need to investigate simple dtr pulse, maybe inline cap like Arduino reset uses. )

zerog2k commented 6 years ago

Yeah dtr pulse through a 1uF cap inline to reset pin works good. I use the stcgal autoreset option "-a". (assumes you have configured the mcu options to use reset pin as reset.)