zerollzeng / tensorrt-zoo

openpose, yolov3 with tiny-tensorrt
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关于多GPU问题 #9

Closed ZHEQIUSHUI closed 4 years ago

ZHEQIUSHUI commented 4 years ago

我想请教一下 这里没看到和模型绑定的信息 那如果我实例了两个Openpose 每一个openpose设置的device不一样 会有什么影响么(主要是现在没有双GPU的机子来测试 老板又要我告诉他。。。拜托了)

void Trt::SetDevice(int device) {
    std::cout<<("warning: make sure save engine file match choosed device\n");

int Trt::GetDevice() const { 
    int* device = nullptr; //NOTE: memory leaks here
    if(device != nullptr) {
        return device[0];
    } else {
        std::cout<<("Get Device Error\n");
        return -1;
zerollzeng commented 4 years ago


Q: How do I use TensorRT on multiple GPUs? A: Each ICudaEngine object is bound to a specific GPU when it is instantiated, either by the builder or on deserialization. To select the GPU, use cudaSetDevice() before calling the builder or deserializing the engine. Each IExecutionContext is bound to the same GPU as the engine from which it was created. When calling execute() or enqueue(), ensure that the thread is associated with the correct device by calling cudaSetDevice() if necessary.


ZHEQIUSHUI commented 4 years ago


zerollzeng commented 4 years ago


ZHEQIUSHUI commented 4 years ago


OpenPose::OpenPose(const std::string& prototxt, 
                    const std::string& caffeModel,
                    const std::string& saveEngine,
                    const std::vector<std::string>& outputBlobName,
                    const std::vector<std::vector<float>>& calibratorData,
                    int maxBatchSize,
                    int runMode) {
    mNet = new Trt();
    mNet->SetDevice(device);//set gpu???
    mNet->CreateEngine(prototxt, caffeModel, saveEngine, outputBlobName, calibratorData, maxBatchSize, runMode);
zerollzeng commented 4 years ago


ZHEQIUSHUI commented 4 years ago
