zeromq / czmq

High-level C binding for ØMQ
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How to receive ZMsg on JMQ subscriber from a CZMQ publisher? #2198

Closed jhalter2 closed 2 years ago

jhalter2 commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to create a JMQ subscriber that will receive messages from a CZMQ publisher that is constantly running. I'm working on a very basic sample now where the CZMQ publisher sends out a simple zmsg in a loop and the JMQ subscriber is supposed to receive it, but my subscriber is never receiving a message.

//CZMQ publisher 
    zsock_t* _zmqCommand = zsock_new(ZMQ_PUB);
    zsock_bind(_zmqCommand, "tcp://*:5555");

    while (_run)
        std::string message = "Hello from CZMQ";
        zframe_t* frame = zframe_new(, message.size());
        zmsg_t* msg = zmsg_new();

        zmsg_append(msg, &frame);
        _rc = zmsg_send(&msg, _zmqCommand);
        assert(_rc == 0);

//JMQ subscriber
    private ZMQ.Context _context;
    private ZMQ.Socket  _subSocket;
    private ZMsg        _msg;
    private boolean     _success;

        _context = ZMQ.context(1);

        assert(_context != null);
        assert(_subSocket == null);

        _subSocket = _context.socket(SocketType.SUB);
        _success = _subSocket.connect("tcp://");

        assert(_success == true);

        _msg = ZMsg.recvMsg(_subSocket); //<-- never receive here