zeromq / czmq

High-level C binding for ØMQ
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Android / Java build fails on CentOS 7 #2231

Open stephan57160 opened 1 year ago

stephan57160 commented 1 year ago

Was trying to setup something to use BUILD_PREFIX and have zyre/czmq/libzmq dependencies installed somewhere else than under /usr/local/lib

Finally, I come to this:

export BUILD_PREFIX=${PWD}/build-native


export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${BUILD_PREFIX}/lib/pkgconfig
export LIBZMQ_ROOT=${PWD}/libzmq
export CZMQ_ROOT=${PWD}/czmq
export ZYRE_ROOT=${PWD}/zyre

Then, for libzmq, czmq, zyre and all other dependencies:

./configure \
    --prefix=${BUILD_PREFIX} \
make install

make install will install all of them under ${BUILD_PREFIX}, instead of /usr/local.

With this, Android build fails:

prompt> cd zyre/bindings/jni/zyre-jni/android
prompt> ./ arm
:czmq-jni-native:copyLibs (Thread[Execution worker for ':',5,main]) completed. Took 0.054 secs.

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':czmq-jni-native:copyLibs'.
> Entry is a duplicate but no duplicate handling strategy has been set. Please refer to for details.

* Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
> Run with --debug option to get more log output.
> Run with --scan to get full insights.


I googled a bit and found this happens frequently since Gradle 7:

A workaround comes with adding something like duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.WARN, in a build.gradle.

I had a deeper look and it seems that on my system, java.library.path is set to /usr/lib64 and /lib64 ... Unfortunatelly, on recent RH-like systems:

prompt> ls -ald /lib64
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 9 12 janv.  2020 /lib64 -> usr/lib64

Now, I have the duplicate search path... is visible from /usr/lib64 and from /lib64...

Question: The workaround works for me, and I could raise a PR, only for this.

But when I read this: I think it would be a better idea to search for dependencies in BUILD_PREFIX first, then in system paths (in case one wants his own dependency version, rather than the system one).

With previous versions of Gradle, I don't know what was happening:

Your opinion on that ? (changes to be made in ZProject too, I suppose)

stephan57160 commented 1 year ago

Regarding only the duplicatesStrategy, I come with this modification, in

    def oldStrategy = duplicatesStrategy                     /* Backup */
    duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.WARN             /* Workaround, for duplicate library entries */
    libraryPaths.each { path ->
        from path
            include ''
            include 'libczmqjni.dylib'
            include 'libmicrohttpd.dylib'
            include '*microhttpd*.dll'
        into 'build/natives'
    duplicatesStrategy = oldStrategy                         /* Restore */

The Backup + Restore operation is there to keep existing behaviour on the rest ... ... in case ...

stephan57160 commented 1 year ago

Regarding the local dependencies, I come with this, in the same file:

    def libraryPaths = []
    if (project.hasProperty('buildPrefix')) {
        if (osdetector.os == 'windows') {
            // DLLs are installed to the bin directory by cmake

    def javaLibraryPaths = System.getProperty('java.library.path').split(File.pathSeparator).toList()

    if (osdetector.os == 'windows') {
    } else {

A couple of system.out.println() were added to validate this. No other way, for me, so far.