zeromq / czmq

High-level C binding for ØMQ
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czmq bindiing jni should be deployed to maven central jcenter is now read only. #2249

Open ThomasCraigNelson opened 1 year ago

ThomasCraigNelson commented 1 year ago

jfrog is leaving jcenter readonly indefinetlly but this software should be deployed into maven central which allows writes.

stephan57160 commented 1 year ago

You're right, CZMQ JNI BINDINGS should be moved to MavenCentral, yes.

Now, if we look at, last week-end was just an outage. And I feel that JFROG will simply let the hardware die. At least, this is a risk to consider.

I suppose that, to move CZMQ to Maven Central, some action from ZeroMQ team (with credentials...) is required.