zeromq / libzmq

ZeroMQ core engine in C++, implements ZMTP/3.1
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Assertion failed: input_stopped (src/stream_engine.cpp:443) after setting send/receive high water marks #4229

Open scottbrogden-iheartmedia opened 3 years ago

scottbrogden-iheartmedia commented 3 years ago

Please use this template for reporting suspected bugs or requests for help.

Issue description

We have been seeing memory issues lately we think is related to zeromq, we had previously set the high water mark for send and receive to 0. Thinking setting the high water marks to 0 was contributing to our memory issue we set the high water mark to 1000. But after setting this we see random crashes with the debug line

Assertion failed: input_stopped (src/stream_engine.cpp:443)


scottbrogden-iheartmedia commented 3 years ago

This looks to be related to I have both rcvhwm and heartbeat_ivl set. I have turned off rcvhwm and left sndhwm set to 1000 and no crashes after 9 hours.

Has that issue been fixed in later versions, I'm using 4.2.5 now installed through apt-get install -y libzmq3-dev

lukaszsamson commented 2 years ago

@scottbrogden-iheartmedia if your issue is indeed related to #3937 then no, 4.3 does not fix it. In our case we disabled heartbeat_ivl and worked it around with custom heartbeats via ordinary zmq messages.

ABlueLight commented 2 years ago

bug is still exist