zeromq / netmq

A 100% native C# implementation of ZeroMQ for .NET
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add net471 target #1058

Open vashek opened 1 year ago

vashek commented 1 year ago

This is to take advantage of

drewnoakes commented 1 year ago

This looks good in theory, but I wonder if we can just bump the net47 target to net471 instead.

The downside is that anyone targeting net47 would then drop to net45.

The upside is we have a simpler matrix of configurations to build/ship/test.

Does anyone have any thoughts around this?

vashek commented 1 year ago

TBH I don't have an opinion either way, I don't consider myself any sort of expert on .NET and my experience with it is somewhat limited. I just find that taking advantage of the fix from #1055 - which happens to be essential for me and came at just the right moment, so huge thanks to @jonorossi - requires rebuilding NetMQ when the app targets .Net Framework higher than 4.7, so it would be quite convenient to have 4.7.1 (or I guess 4.8, in my case) included in the nuget package.

My backstory is that there's a proprietary app that uses NetMQ and targets .Net Framework 4.8, and was made with little consideration for anything other than Windows on Intel, and I'm exploring making it run on a Raspberry using Mono. As is, it exhibits a native crash due to rdtsc. I found #1055 and so I tried a drop-in replacement of the NetMQ.dll with the version, not really expecting to run at all (without rebuilding the app) - it ran, but with the same crash. So I rebuilt NetMQ for 4.7.1, replaced the DLL and voilà, it seems to run (or at least doesn't obviously crash, so far).

vashek commented 1 year ago

Marked as ready to maybe grab more attention. ;) Regarding the failed test I wonder if that's just a spurious error, something timed out in netcoreapp3.1, specifically NetMQ.Tests.ClientServer.AsyncEnumerableCanceled.