zeronounours / HA-custom-component-energy-meter

Provides extended features on top of utility-meter to track costs for each tariff as well as total costs
MIT License
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How to set up #37

Closed Vinisz closed 10 months ago

Vinisz commented 1 year ago

Looks good, but how do I configure this ? seems not via the helpers in the GUI. Should I just add it to configurations.yaml file ?

Roving-Ronin commented 1 year ago

@Vinisz Like the utility_meter option, in a yaml file you can add (examples):


    unique_id: energy_meter_imported_daily
    source: sensor.power_meter_consumption
    name: Energy Meter - Imported Daily
    cycle: daily
    price_entity: sensor.electricity_price
      - peak
      - shoulder
      - offpeak

    unique_id: energy_meter_imported_monthly
    source: sensor.power_meter_consumption
    name: Energy Meter - Imported Monthly
    cycle: monthly
    price_entity: sensor.electricity_price
      - peak
      - shoulder
      - offpeak

    unique_id: energy_meter_imported_yearly
    source: sensor.power_meter_consumption
    name: Energy Meter - Imported Yearly
    cycle: yearly
    price_entity: sensor.electricity_price
      - peak
      - shoulder
      - offpeak

    unique_id: energy_meter_exported_daily
    source: sensor.power_meter_exported
    name: Energy Meter - Exported Daily
    cycle: daily
    price: 0.07

    unique_id: energy_meter_exported_monthly
    source: sensor.power_meter_exported
    name: Energy Meter - Exported Monthly
    cycle: monthly
    price: 0.07

    unique_id: energy_meter_exported_yearly
    source: sensor.power_meter_exported
    name: Energy Meter - Exported Yearly
    cycle: yearly
    price: 0.07

An example of a sensor for determing the current price for grid imports is:

# Updated 1 July 2023 for new Red Energy Rates

  - sensor:

#  Current_Price_RedEnergy_TOU provides a backup method to allow selecting the 'Use an entity with current rate' in Energy Dashboard.
#  If you set the prices here, remember to ALSO set them in the 'electricity_import_rate_???' and daily supply charge sensors.

    - name: Electricity - Price
      unique_id: electricity_price
      unit_of_measurement: "AUD/kWh"
      state:  "
        {%set Peak = 0.34078 %}
        {%set WeekdayShoulder = 0.30679 %}
        {%set OffPeak = 0.21978 %}
        {%set H = as_timestamp(now())|timestamp_custom ('%-H')|float(0) %} {##Hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number. 0, 1, 2, ... 23##}
        {%set w = as_timestamp(now())|timestamp_custom ('%w')|float(0) %} {##HWeekday as a decimal number, where 0 is Sunday and 6 is Saturday. 0, 1, …, 6##}    
        {##0 for weekday, 1 for weekend##}
        {% if (w == 0) or  (w == 6) %} {% set weekday = 0 %}
        {% else %} {% set weekday = 1 %}
        {% endif %}
        {% set charge = 0 %}
        {% if (weekday == 1) and (H >= 7) and (H <= 9) %} {{Peak}}
        {% elif (weekday == 1) and (H >= 17) and (H <= 20) %} {{Peak}}
        {##weekday shoulder##}
        {% elif (weekday == 1) and (H >= 0) and (H <= 7) %} {{WeekdayShoulder}}
        {% elif (weekday == 1) and (H >= 9) and (H <= 17) %} {{WeekdayShoulder}}
        {% elif (weekday == 1) and (H >= 20) and (H <= 22) %} {{WeekdayShoulder}}
        {##off peak##}
        {% else %} {{OffPeak}}
        {% endif %}

To get the 'select' sensor that this integration auto creates, when you use the Tariffs option, so it automatically updates to change to peak/shoulder/offpeak at the correct times, you'll need an automation ... like this:

### adjust the time triggers below to match when your standard electricity tariff changes (peak, shoulder, offpeak). Adjust the template in the action block as required to match your plan.
  - alias: Set Energy Meter Rate
    description: 'Set Energy Meter Rate'
      - platform: time
        at: '07:00:30'
      - platform: time
        at: '09:00:30'
      - platform: time
        at: '17:00:30'
      - platform: time
        at: '20:00:30'
      - platform: time
        at: '22:00:30'
      - platform: homeassistant
        event: start
    condition: []
      - service: select.select_option
          option: >-
            {% set t = now() %}
            {%- if (( t.hour >= 7 and t.hour < 9 ) or ( t.hour >= 17 and t.hour < 20 )) and
            is_state('binary_sensor.workday_sensor', 'on') %}
            {%- elif (( t.hour >= 9 and t.hour < 17 ) or ( t.hour >= 20 and t.hour < 22 )) and 
            is_state('binary_sensor.workday_sensor', 'on') %}
            {%- else -%}
            {%- endif -%}
            - select.energy_meter_imported_daily
            - select.energy_meter_imported_monthly
            - select.energy_meter_imported_yearly
    mode: single

I note that when using the tarrif option, it auto creates the sensors for daily / monthly / yearly etc with 3 sensors each for peak/shouler/offpeak. However there is no sensor for the total of the day/month/year.
i.e. if you want to lookup the total kWh imports for instance for the day / month or year, you can't see the total kWh, instead you'll see only the 3 seperate sensors tracking the usage of the peak/shoulder/offpeak, but no overall daily/monthly/yearly sensor showing the total kWh / $ for each of those periods.

zeronounours commented 10 months ago

I tried to improve documentation. I hope it is enough