This Hugo Hero theme is a beautiful theme and thanks for building it. I'm noticing an issue and am wondering if you could either fix it or tell me a work around. If you look at the page in exampleSite/content/services/ you can see a numbered list followed by a bulleted list in the markdown. However when I build the theme myself or even if I go to your live demo site at the numbers and the bullets do not show. How can we get these to appear? Thanks.
This Hugo Hero theme is a beautiful theme and thanks for building it. I'm noticing an issue and am wondering if you could either fix it or tell me a work around. If you look at the page in exampleSite/content/services/ you can see a numbered list followed by a bulleted list in the markdown. However when I build the theme myself or even if I go to your live demo site at the numbers and the bullets do not show. How can we get these to appear? Thanks.