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subscription #15

Closed ShvetsBy closed 2 years ago

ShvetsBy commented 2 years ago

To implement subscription section we need some email marketing service like mailchimp. Can you provide you existing solution so I can discover how to integrate it to ZTNA Blog.


enclave-alistair commented 2 years ago

We're looking into it, we'll probably end up with something to invoke against our ActiveCampaign account. Not sure exactly what that will look like yet.

enclave-marc-barry commented 2 years ago

@ClFox can you help us work out where to POST this subscription form, or if not how we can bring a subscription box to life on the ZTNA website in the given style.

ClFox commented 2 years ago

@enclave-marc-barry We can use either unbounce or ActiveCampaign - the former creates nicer looking forms but the latter is where our data sits as a CRM so less to-and-fro.

If there's already a page for it, then simple as generating the HTML to embed it.

enclave-marc-barry commented 2 years ago

Is that something you can help us generate Claire? We've already got the page, just need to know how to add the form

ClFox commented 2 years ago

Yes absolutely; is it literally just an email address field you want on the form?

ClFox commented 2 years ago
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            Email Adress*
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              selected = false;
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        no_error = false;
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            return true
        return false
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              this.value = this.value.trim();
              validate_field(this, true);
            addEvent(input, 'input', function() {
              validate_field(this, true);
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              for (var i = 0; i < radios.length; i++) {
                addEvent(radios[i], 'click', function() {
                  validate_field(el, true);
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            addEvent(input, 'change', function() {
              validate_field(this, true);
          } else if (input.type == 'textarea'){
            addEvent(input, 'input', function() {
              validate_field(this, true);
    for (var i = 0, len = allInputs.length; i < len; i++) {
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  var form_submit = function(e) {
    if (validate_form()) {
      // use this trick to get the submit button & disable it using plain javascript
      document.querySelector('#_form_8_submit').disabled = true;
            var serialized = _form_serialize(document.getElementById('_form_8_')).replace(/%0A/g, '\\n');
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      err ? err.parentNode.removeChild(err) : false;
      _load_script('' + serialized + '&jsonp=true');
    return false;
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ClFox commented 2 years ago

^ That's the full embed code generated in Active Campaign, submissions will go to a specific ZTNA list

enclave-marc-barry commented 2 years ago

Wow, okay. I can't see us using that as is. This doesn't look as straight forward as perhaps I'd hoped and may need to be explored in a little more depth. Thanks for getting it started Claire

enclave-marc-barry commented 2 years ago

Okay maybe it's not so complicated. A GET request to subscribes me to the mailing list and returns a 200 OK with JSONP content:

_show_thank_you("8", "Thanks for signing up!", "", "");

I'm assuming that after the request, the client should make a GET request to in the interests of ... tracking? This call doesn't seem necessary.

The subscriber will receive an email from "Enclave" asking for confirmation of subscription. When the user clicks Confirm they will be (presently) taken to this page or some variant of from emails. We have the option to redirect to a custom URL instead of landing on the Active Campaign subscribe confirmation page here.... perhaps an opportunity for us to brand a thanks for signing up page? to be discussed..

enclave-marc-barry commented 2 years ago

Okay so I suggest the following flow:

  1. User enters their email address and hits subscribe

  2. The email address they entered is sent in the email= property as a GET request to the following URL:

  3. If that request fails, we'll need to show some kind of a problem dialog. @DanPinn we may need to mock this up as a variant of the current confirmation dialog for Ivan

  4. If that request succeeds, ActiveCampaign server should respond with some content like _show_thank_you("8", "Thanks for signing up!", "", "");. You can see from the JavaScript Claire posted in a previous comment what each of these values are, I suggest we extract and use them in the subscription confirmation dialog. Whether this is JSONP or not @ShvetsBy I'll leave to you to decide if that's okay?

  5. The third argument looks to be a URL that allows ActiveCampaign to push more JavaScript down onto the page if it's defined as a campaign but I can't see us doing this near term so suggest we just ignore calling it for now unless it's demonstrably broken if we don't.

  6. If that request succeeded, we'll need to show the subscription confirmation dialog to the user.

  7. The user will receive an email asking them to confirm signup with a link to Active Campaign. The Active Campaign confirmation page is a bit rubbish, but we can redirect the user back to the microsite for confirmation. So I think we need one more, dead simple "Thanks for subscribing" page. I think for the most part @DanPinn this can just be a big blank white page with some vertical and horizontally centred text that just says as much.


To summarise, the flow is:

  1. User enters email address and clicks subscribe.
  2. Microsite makes a GET request to ActiveCampaign URL.
  3. Microsite presents a "Thanks, please check your email to confirm" dialog box (Note; @DanPinn this probably means a changes to the language on the existing confirmation dialog)
  4. User gets a confirmation email with a button to click which takes them to an ActiveCampaign URL
  5. @ShvetsBy we'll need to build a super simple "Thank for subscribing page" that @DanPinn designs, and then we'll need to let @ClFox know the URL so she can reconfigure ActiveCampaign to send email confirmations to that new page in the previous step.
DanPinn commented 2 years ago

New pages:

Thanks for subscribing

Thanks for subscribing" page. I think for the most part this can just be a big blank white page with some vertical and horizontally centred text that just says as much. Figma Frame

Subscription Error

If that request fails, we'll need to show some kind of a problem dialog. Mocked up error variant of the current confirmation dialog. Figma Frame

enclave-marc-barry commented 2 years ago

Perfect!! @ShvetsBy we can move this forward

ShvetsBy commented 2 years ago
