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Complete architecture illustrations as per sketches #46

Closed enclave-marc-barry closed 2 years ago

enclave-marc-barry commented 2 years ago

Additional sketches to be confirmed, but they should follow the same style as the existing SDP and ZTON illustrations.

Architectures to illustrate from sketches:

Host-based Firewall Control


Identity Aware Reverse Proxy


Identity Defined Network


Privileged Access Management


For context, we already have the ZTON and SDP architectures drawn:



To do:




To do:


enclave-alistair commented 2 years ago

Some in-progress extra detail from Marc:

enclave-marc-barry commented 2 years ago

Some thoughts on how to approach this first pass. I don't think we'll get it right first time, so propose we hedge our bets and aim for the simplest version first.

As these graphics are scrolled, in the first instance I'd aim to weight towards visual consistency, or as much as is possible. That might mean playing around with the location of boxes, arrows etc.

Once we've got that initial set of diagrams, we can iterate.

DanPinn commented 2 years ago


I've created the first drafts of the architecture diagrams, and saved the SVG files on the G Drive...

Link to the Figma File

Identity Aware Reverse Proxy Diagram

1  Identity Aware Reverse Proxy Diagram

Host-based Firewall Control

2  Host-based Firewall Control

Identity Defined Network Diagram

3  Identity Defined Network Diagram

Privileged Access Management Diagram

4  Privileged Access Management Diagram

SDP Diagram

5  SDP Diagram

ZTON Diagram

6  ZTON Diagram

enclave-marc-barry commented 2 years ago

Thanks Dan, couple of tweaks:

enclave-marc-barry commented 2 years ago

Excellent, thanks for the updated diagrams Dan. Almost there!

Loving these graphics, super high quality. Looking so good!

enclave-marc-barry commented 2 years ago

@enclave-alistair and @enclave-tom please can you also cast a technical eye over the architecture graphics here would be fantastic if there's only one more pass for @DanPinn to do tomorrow

DanPinn commented 2 years ago

@enclave-marc-barry I've made all those amendments to the diagrams and re-uploaded to the G Drive...

Just need to create the favicon.

DanPinn commented 2 years ago

@enclave-marc-barry hope this is okay for the favicon? Saved here on the G Drive...


enclave-marc-barry commented 2 years ago

I'll drop it into build and we can see how it looks in the tab, give me a few mins