zerowriter / zerowriter1

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2.2 Display latency related issues #12

Closed zerowriter closed 4 months ago

zerowriter commented 4 months ago

Sometimes the display misfires and doesn't push the updates via the display driver.

This isn't really that bad or devastating, but kind of annoying. I think what is happening is the screen update is being called while another update is still active / happening. I have some failsafe stuff for blocking out updates if one is in progress, but they aren't applied to the menu system or the 2.2 code in general.

Easiest fix is applying a latency delay (150ms / time.sleep(.150) BEFORE calling the display update, that would give time for the previous update to finish. Or writing in something that delays updates until the previous update is complete.

These kinds of issues would be non-existant with a lower latency display...

zerowriter commented 4 months ago

Resolved in 2.2 update.

Added a global variable for display latency that will help keep things in check.