zerowriter / zerowriter1

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Ongoing: Goodisplay 5.79" development #18

Open zerowriter opened 3 months ago

zerowriter commented 3 months ago

I've opened another repository for dumping stuff related to Goodisplay. The short of it: they are the display manufacturer for waveshare. They have been cooperative so far with engineering help and have sent me some panels to test out, including a very nice looking 5.79" display.

The goodisplay panels are raw eink panels and require special driver boards and a MCU to run them. I've been testing with a pi pico and micropython code.

The nice thing here is we can get at some of the good stuff, like the waveform tables.

If I can get these panels to work at a reasonable speed, they would be an inexpensive alternative and appropriate for the project. I think all-in, they would be around $45-50 per 5.79" display. Likely would mean setting up something to send people finished displays, since it might be too much work for people to configure on their own.