zerowriter / zerowriter1

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Linebreak after ~35 characters #22

Open sierrax369 opened 2 months ago

sierrax369 commented 2 months ago

In current version, the zerowriter1 (in my case waveshare_2.2 branch) is saving the lines after hitting return, in the same way it showed on the 35x13 lines framed display. This makes it a little difficult to edit the text afterwards.
Old typewriters should have around 60 types per line. Old Computer around 80. On modern computers, typists write entire paragraphs without using the return button. Wouldn't it make sense to save the stuff 2 times? One time in the Displayversion and one time in the raw typed version?

sierrax369 commented 2 months ago

Another way could be to use 2 returns for paragraphs. And 'sed' then the the files… but this is another step and you (the typist) has to be strict.

zerowriter commented 2 months ago

yes! the software should be updated to output more cleanly in respect to formatting. It's on my to-do list.